10u hitter can't make contact

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Jul 10, 2014
She's done some tee work JJ but her view is she can hit off the tee so she wants to face pitching. Sounds like it's better to correct the problem via the tee though.
Aug 29, 2011
High Tee work will help force her hand to not drop so much. JJ's suggestion to get her hitting off a tee consisently is a good one. If you can have her do some long tee as opposed to hitting into a net, that may help her visualize good hits better.

Mirror work on her hand path would not be a bad idea either. She can practice that in the morning or evening for a few minutes each day with slow dry swings so she can see herself as she swings.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
A lot to learn/see from this 'sequence' here. Would like to know what the 'coach' was trying to 'see' by fake pitching to your DD.

Not your DD but what your DD is doing:

What your DD needs to do with her hands:

Start with the tee for now. Post tee swings.
Where(about) in NJ?
Jul 10, 2014
Coach wants to slow her down since she jumps out at ball too quickly so wants her to step with front foot. I like the coach, worked well with other daughter but might be off base here. Morris county nj here
May 6, 2014
Low and outside
I recognize that swing now. Two years ago I had a kid on my Babe Ruth team with that swing, and I couldn't figure out any 1 or 2 quick fixes to help him. He could hit soft toss, but not BP pitches. I sent him to the plate 23 times that summer, and he struck out 20 of them. Frustrating for everybody all around.

There's a lot to work on here mechanically. To demonstrate a more efficient sequence and bat path, I sometimes stand behind the kid, hold on to the barrel, and ask her to swing in slow motion.
May 4, 2012
Tee (probably even tee without a ball so there is no focus on the ball but a focus on the hand path) Mirror work - so she can watch her hand path to tee. Then I would have her hit hundreds of balls similar to this - clean up that hand path. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYYxrt0602w Watch this video/his hands every day bf you do the aforementioned. Right now she does not need further complexity (that front toss will add) nor would I worry about the lower half
Aug 29, 2011
OILF, I agree for the most part and fixing the lower body should be done but there is a lot of work to be done with this hitter and if they fix the upper body first so she can make contact and work on the lower body later to add power would that be so wrong in this case?
Mar 31, 2014
Im not as experienced or knowledgeable as many here but we had several girls on our roster this year with the exact same problem, almost the exact same swing. Take it for what its worth but the following is exactly what we did and almost all of them were much better hitters by the end of the season.

1. Problem #1 was dropping of the hands so we simply lowered their hands to begin with. Instead of focusing on the high triangle, we simply lowered their hands to almost the "at rest" position, hard to drop them if they are already there.

2. Problem #2 was sweeping of the bat or long, loopy swings resulting in being behind the ball too often. Sounds crazy but at first we took the bat out of their hands and utilized a 3-in. swimming noodle (ok, quit laughing). To teach them to "throw their hands at the ball" rather than looping around to meet the ball, we had them grab the noodle about 2-3-ft. from the bottom (choke up). The goal was for the bottom end of the noodle to hit the ball off the tee, then finish rotating with the noodle swinging across the tee where the ball was. Stupidest thing i had ever heard of when one of my coaches recommended it but i was amazed at how quickly the girls started throwing their hands at the ball and finishing inside of it.

3. Simply moving the tee up in their stance. Its amazing how many knowledgeable coaches/parents tee the ball up in the middle of the girls stance without thinking about how much it changes the swing. Simply getting the girls to think "hit the ball in front of the plate rather than over the plate" helped with the timing and even the hands.

Teework............teework..........teework. I dont think a player at any level can hit enough balls off the tee. Everything else can be perfected without throwing one single pitch to them and when the teework is perfect, then its just a matter of figuring out the timing.....everything else is automatic by now.

Just my .02

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