14yo struggling with SO

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Apr 20, 2018
Did you just say Barry is a hack?! Wow. What lengths we will go to save some.. lol

Yeah the front leg is bent bc it’s the one that’s striding! Like when you walk.. The back leg is a post. JR is the same. Mookie & Trout as well. They use proper technique before chasing power.

Bottom line your load and stride should match your gait cycle w a few nuances of course..

And for the hundredth time.. when describing motion you should put up examples of motion. Still pictures are so old and just serve their purpose as mantle pieces or as one direct moment in time or for an old guy to mislead folks into believing he actually knows what he’s talking about. Here’s another example of a great hitter that use the front leg to stride.. this is your model right?

View attachment 29820

It appears that his back leg is extending but the front leg had already started its descent so that’s not striding w your back leg or it would have extended earlier to push AP forward. Cause and effect doesnt discriminate. Guess again hack! lol

Watch closely E.. he torques the leg for stability and leverage which helps propel him forward to his center so he can stride w his front side. Which helps create timing and adjustability. But the tell is in AP stance. See how he sets up 50/50? That will promote proper gait which will lead to proper timing w proper closure when needed.

Just remember TM likes the back leg to stride also.. he’s revised lately he can’t deny the correct way either. You should too!

Old back leg stride. Strike out king.
View attachment 29821

New front leg mvp season

View attachment 29822

He’s been the best hitter in baseball after he stopped using the rear leg for striding & power. Go figure
If the belly button moves laterally towards the pitcher then BOTH legs were used to stride.
He (AJ) became a better hitter when he centered his hands more in front of his body and realized the hands don't do much besides provide a pivot point for bat to rotate around. I didn't say the hand do nothing but they are more for aiming not a huge power source.
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
If the belly button moves laterally towards the pitcher then BOTH legs were used to stride.
He (AJ) became a better hitter when he centered his hands more in front of his body and realized the hands don't do much besides provide a pivot point for bat to rotate around. I didn't say the hand do nothing but they are more for aiming not a huge power source.

What? The legs move the legs. Cause and effect. Don’t overthink this one. Look up gait cycle and how it pertains to every athlete.. Yeah his hand pivot sucked also. Another thing TM stole from me.. but his locomotion was his biggest problem.. come on RH Stop trying to be right and stick to the facts! All TMs hitter were famous for being stuck due to the back leg obsession when at the end of it is just for stability!! What a hack TM is! Hahaha.
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Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
Here’s what it’s suppose to look like.. see the bump into the back leg(torque). See the hips start to float the descend.. see the front leg set the angle of attack? Back leg angle stays the same for a very long time.. extends that leg last?or not even at all?! lol
Aug 20, 2017
On the stride: you need to have the feeling of moving forward. Every hitter is different. If you coil properly and get the rear leg loaded it “should” make you feel springy. When you pick your front foot up with a loaded rear leg your body should want to move forward. Resist this forward momentum by stretching the upper against a loaded, springy rear leg. Try to keep your head over the rear leg during the move out. Eventually the head will move off the rear leg some. This is a resistance move. Slack will be removed.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I teach landing on a bent front leg and that the back hip straightens the front leg. Also, I've coached several hitters who started with their bat on their shoulders and, at times, my dd did that. George Brett had a good career. Ok, so better than good. There is a lot of good information in the thread Pattern and Sequence that shows young ladies hitting:

Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
On the stride: you need to have the feeling of moving forward. Every hitter is different. If you coil properly and get the rear leg loaded it “should” make you feel springy. When you pick your front foot up with a loaded rear leg your body should want to move forward. Resist this forward momentum by stretching the upper against a loaded, springy rear leg. Try to keep your head over the rear leg during the move out. Eventually the head will move off the rear leg some. This is a resistance move. Slack will be removed.

Yeah that’s torque. TM will have you believe otherwise. AJ rear leg goes last now. TM has a lot of ‘splainin’ to do 🤣 but you guys will continue to let him think for you. I don’t get it? All good he listens to me now. He’s always been a great thief! We will just add this to the list of things TM does.. hahaha. Those are my concepts he’s boasting about 🤣🤣🤣 damn near all of them.


All rear leg torque does is let you have a place to stride from as AJ shows us. It starts things correctly(think sway)..Thereafter you manage the torque to the pitch.. easy peasy. That effect you see when the knee goes ‘down and in’ is the rest of the body rotating not the rear leg.mainly the front leg striding.. The front hip is pulling the back hip which pulls the back leg/knee around. You must resist that pull throughout. That’s the anchor of the swing.

Sometimes you don’t need an anchor anymore bc you need more rotation.. simply releasing the knee gives you more ROM of the hips to get to something further inside. Like AJ shows us above. On the other side if it’s away you hold the torque forever to delay your turn. Like Lou here. What you don’t do is change your swing..


But simply the back leg is a post to get your positioning from, so you could land the ‘airplane’ w the front leg and thereafter let the back leg maneuver you when you want to re-anchor to swing.. the back foot was the anchor (but since the torque is in place). Since the foot has ‘lost’ its anchor pulled up by momentum. The back knee becomes the next thing to control the anchor or ‘stretch’ if you like.. Ever notice when the back knee goes really low? Delaying the re-anchor?

I get why it feels powerful but you’re just dropping anchor to rotate really fast w high amounts of torque. That’s really why.. The most speed is always on the front half of the body on the lower half and vice versa w the upper. I’m not saying those other quadrants don’t have a job.. they’re just more refined then just ‘power players’. But they contribute a little for sure.

If you use the other pattern you become susceptible to inside pitches and thereafter you chase out front to not get jammed. Ugh what a crappy way to hit. So you resort to the neutered but highly touted by some inside-out swing.

Sorry for long post but Twitter got me stifled at 140characters hahaha. I refuse to upgrade!! 🤣🤣
Apr 20, 2018
So do you like the feeling or cue that the back foot gets peeled off the ground by the front side?
I have seen and heard instructors in both golf and hitting advocate pushing off the back leg into the front leg. Thoughts?
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
So do you like the feeling or cue that the back foot gets peeled off the ground by the front side?
I have seen and heard instructors in both golf and hitting advocate pushing off the back leg into the front leg. Thoughts?

Yeah that’s good. I want the pushing to be the front leg to push the front hip back to create torque while the back knee resists. That’s how you torque it!


When you push w the back leg you’re essentially pushing everything forward without torque. Make sense? You’ll get to where you want.. it just takes longer bc you’re not in control of your environment.. would you rather pull for power or push?
Aug 20, 2017
Yeah that’s torque. TM will have you believe otherwise. AJ rear leg goes last now. TM has a lot of ‘splainin’ to do 🤣 but you guys will continue to let him think for you. I don’t get it? All good he listens to me now. He’s always been a great thief! We will just add this to the list of things TM does.. hahaha. Those are my concepts he’s boasting about 🤣🤣🤣 damn near all of them.

View attachment 29827

All rear leg torque does is let you have a place to stride from as AJ shows us. It starts things correctly(think sway)..Thereafter you manage the torque to the pitch.. easy peasy. That effect you see when the knee goes ‘down and in’ is the rest of the body rotating not the rear leg.mainly the front leg striding.. The front hip is pulling the back hip which pulls the back leg/knee around. You must resist that pull throughout. That’s the anchor of the swing.

Sometimes you don’t need an anchor anymore bc you need more rotation.. simply releasing the knee gives you more ROM of the hips to get to something further inside. Like AJ shows us above. On the other side if it’s away you hold the torque forever to delay your turn. Like Lou here. What you don’t do is change your swing..

View attachment 29828

But simply the back leg is a post to get your positioning from, so you could land the ‘airplane’ w the front leg and thereafter let the back leg maneuver you when you want to re-anchor to swing.. the back foot was the anchor (but since the torque is in place). Since the foot has ‘lost’ its anchor pulled up by momentum. The back knee becomes the next thing to control the anchor or ‘stretch’ if you like.. Ever notice when the back knee goes really low? Delaying the re-anchor?

I get why it feels powerful but you’re just dropping anchor to rotate really fast w high amounts of torque. That’s really why.. The most speed is always on the front half of the body on the lower half and vice versa w the upper. I’m not saying those other quadrants don’t have a job.. they’re just more refined then just ‘power players’. But they contribute a little for sure.

If you use the other pattern you become susceptible to inside pitches and thereafter you chase out front to not get jammed. Ugh what a crappy way to hit. So you resort to the neutered but highly touted by some inside-out swing.

Sorry for long post but Twitter got me stifled at 140characters hahaha. I refuse to upgrade!! 🤣🤣
I have to admit that this board gets pretty boring without some of you guys hanging out!! Glad to see you back and stronger than ever 😎

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