Video Analysis with Matt Antonelli

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Jun 6, 2016
Thats exactly what i was thinking.

So I can follow up on this.

I decided to go for it with one of my seniors. She's a very good hitter but she's had some issues lately, and she's worried (rightly so) some of this is going to affect her college plans.

Matt actually got to it right away, which could've been lucky that he just had the time, but I imagine you won't be waiting too long if you do it.

What he sent back were some of his regular videos on swing breakdowns and his views on core swing mechanics, a 20-minute swing breakdown of my player comped to a well-known softball player, and then several links to a bunch of his drills (he said in the video it's 30-40 drills total). I felt the video was incredibly thorough. He did the job quickly, but he still put effort into the analysis.

In the swing breakdown video, he specifically mentions certain drills to work on her specific flaws, but the whole collection of drills will likely prove useful to me as I work with all my players once I work through everything he sent.

The links are all private/unlisted, so while I'm sure some of it is stuff he's posted on his public YouTube page, it feels like I purchased a significant amount.

One thing to note: He asked me to send him videos first to see if he could work with it. I don't know exactly what he meant. He could've meant video quality, or he could've meant he wanted to make sure the player was someone he could help through video analysis. Either way, I appreciated that it wasn't just about taking money and delivering a whatever return.

So is it worth it?

I feel like it was money well spent for two reasons:

1) The specific hitter I'm working with is doing a lot right but has a couple important flaws to fix. The truth is, about 75% of what he said I had already told her when we went over the swings together. But not only did he add that extra 25% I didn't see or couldn't articulate, he's also providing a path toward fixing those flaws.

2) Once I go through the drills and figure out what they all do, I can use them for other players. For me, it's not really a one-time thing. I'm going to get future use out of this. I already sent the links to my DW since she's our primary hitting coach, so we can both look through the drills and start figuring out how to use them with our players.
Jul 3, 2024
So I can follow up on this.

I decided to go for it with one of my seniors. She's a very good hitter but she's had some issues lately, and she's worried (rightly so) some of this is going to affect her college plans.

Matt actually got to it right away, which could've been lucky that he just had the time, but I imagine you won't be waiting too long if you do it.

What he sent back were some of his regular videos on swing breakdowns and his views on core swing mechanics, a 20-minute swing breakdown of my player comped to a well-known softball player, and then several links to a bunch of his drills (he said in the video it's 30-40 drills total). I felt the video was incredibly thorough. He did the job quickly, but he still put effort into the analysis.

In the swing breakdown video, he specifically mentions certain drills to work on her specific flaws, but the whole collection of drills will likely prove useful to me as I work with all my players once I work through everything he sent.

The links are all private/unlisted, so while I'm sure some of it is stuff he's posted on his public YouTube page, it feels like I purchased a significant amount.

One thing to note: He asked me to send him videos first to see if he could work with it. I don't know exactly what he meant. He could've meant video quality, or he could've meant he wanted to make sure the player was someone he could help through video analysis. Either way, I appreciated that it wasn't just about taking money and delivering a whatever return.

So is it worth it?

I feel like it was money well spent for two reasons:

1) The specific hitter I'm working with is doing a lot right but has a couple important flaws to fix. The truth is, about 75% of what he said I had already told her when we went over the swings together. But not only did he add that extra 25% I didn't see or couldn't articulate, he's also providing a path toward fixing those flaws.

2) Once I go through the drills and figure out what they all do, I can use them for other players. For me, it's not really a one-time thing. I'm going to get future use out of this. I already sent the links to my DW since she's our primary hitting coach, so we can both look through the drills and start figuring out how to use them with our players.
Thats awesome! I actually purchased it last night and emailed him videos of her swing. It wasn’t too clear of what to do after you purchase it though. I really look forward to his analysis after reading your comments. Thank you. 😊 I will update the thread with my feedback when I receive it back.

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