Why all the angst?

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Sep 30, 2013
Given humans are not robots, I think it is impossible for a human to be unbiased.

I use to say to parents in our parent meeting at the beginning of the season, "How could you possibly unbiasly judge me in the choices I make given you all are bias in favor of your daughters." But then, you could see on some parents' faces the expression of "What the heck did he just say???!"

I’ve never seen parental bias, unless its over-the-top, as being a real big deal. As long as there’s consistency and the coach is worth his/her salt, the bias can be usually dealt with fairly easily.
May 31, 2012
The key is to get an unbiased, well informed, reliable score keeper. Easier said than done. Maybe a trio that votes on said plays/situations. 2/3 vote wins.
Aug 29, 2011
But what is it you think they’re unreliable for?

It depends on who the score keeper is. As has been pointed out H/E (hit error not hello elbow) is subjective. The PB/WP and flipside SB/PB/WP debate can go on forever.

If the stats are reliable then great I have no problem with statistics as a tool. But garbage in, garbage out.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I’ve never understood what the heck people are trying to do with them that causes so many to disavow their use.

Generally, because parents and coaches don't want to look at the objective stats (walks, runs scored, RBIs, stolen bases, putouts, strikeouts, balls, strikes, etc.) and would prefer to look at subjective stats (errors, ERA, hits).

Objective stats can't really be compared between teams due to the difference in competitive level of play. (Batting .400 playing gold ball in SoCal is a lot different than batting .400 playing C ball in South Carolina.) So, stats are more or less useful as a comparison tool between team members.

BUT: stats aren't helpful to a coach in managing playing time:

(1) A team has X number of players. X may vary between coaches, but the reason a coach has X number of players is because the coach thinks X is the correct number of players.
(2) In order to keep X number of players on the team, you have to keep each player and their parents "happy".
(3) Any idiot can figure out the top five players on the team in 5 minutes. (The kids who run the fastest, throw the ball the farthest and hit the ball the farthest are the best players on your team.)
(4) Playing time management is about how to divide up playing time between the second tier players to keep them "happy".
(5) The only thing that makes these players and parents "happy" is more or less equal playing time.
Aug 29, 2011
An SK that doesn’t understand the scoring rules or doesn’t have much experience can be just as bad as a biased SK. It’s the HC who chooses the scorer, so if s/he doesn’t choose a good one then uses stats from that scorer to make team decisions, is it the fault of the stats or the coach’s ineptitude causing the problem?

As you get higher in level this may be the case. At the younger ages it's whoever will volunteer to take the job.
Jan 22, 2009
South Jersey
I score for my daughter's team using the Gamechanger app. All of my decisions are almost instantly sent out to those fans following. Occasionally after a game or inning someone will come up to me and ask about a hit vs. FC vs. ROE and I explain that in the moment I used my best judgement. There have been times after a game when reviewing the plays and stats I will make a change but it is rare. I have had to take "hits" away from my daughter because the were ROE. I guess there are those that bend the rules, but for the good of the team it doesn't make sense to do it. The coach ultimitely uses the "eye test" to determine playing time.
Jun 18, 2012
I’ve never seen parental bias, unless its over-the-top, as being a real big deal. As long as there’s consistency and the coach is worth his/her salt, the bias can be usually dealt with fairly easily.

I see parental bias in all parents. It is there whether you see it or not, and it is natural. The bias being over-the-top is another story. I don't see "over-the-top" vociferous bias much on our team.
Jun 18, 2012
The key is to get an unbiased, well informed, reliable score keeper. Easier said than done. Maybe a trio that votes on said plays/situations. 2/3 vote wins.

Maybe a trio with NO voting. Simply average across their stats. It should reduce the problem some.
May 31, 2012
2 plays come to mind. Line drive absolutely smoked bounces off 3rd baseman shin. E5 was ruling by scorekeeper. Given this SKs kid never played and the guy was toughest SK I've ever seen. Same SK, ball hit in left center gap. Cf dives ball hits the glove and bounces out. E8 was ruling. We were on offense both times.
Jun 24, 2013
I don’t quite understand what you mean by you are always working on something so the stats don’t matter. (

What comes to mind is charging the ball. You can sit back and not make an error or charge the ball and risk an error in order to make an out. Same with batting, keep doing what your doing and you will be a better hitter.

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