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Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
If TCS has the integrity it claims to have, the team in question will be banned from all future events for at least a year and the manager and coaches in question will be reported to ASA and PGF with a recommendation to suspend for at least a year - but we all know that's not going to happen.

If the umpire in question was indeed punishing the team by being an asshat, then he should not be allowed behind the plate until he learns a little humility - and that ain't gonna happen either.

Tournament directors take whatever umpires they can get - they have to - it's strictly a numbers game. Last PGF showcase my DD's team attended, there were BUs that didn't even know basic positioning with no runners on base.

Too bad. Playing hard doesn't have to be thug ball - but it does appear alive and well with some organizations.


Jun 22, 2008
I'm an eye for an eye kinda guy.

I doubt you would feel that way if it were your eye.

Equaly tight or ridiculously tight? The strike zone should not be optional or change based on how you feel.

You turn everything around like that? Do you not understand the word, "equal"?

I dont like Umpires that think they are god.

Me neither, but I also don't like idiots who think that just because they don't get their way the it is the umpire's fault because s/he believes they are god. Maybe it is just that your team sucks and the umpire is calling the game s/he is getting paid to call. And, of course, no holier-than-thou-coaches out there :rolleyes:

If you can't handle the mouthy coaches or loud fans go do something else. Hopefully that umpire will think twice before squeezes the zone the next time.

What a stupid comment. Maybe the coaches and fans should act like the adults they are pretending to be, just as you expect the umpire to do.
Feb 7, 2013
I'm glad the whole video was posted because, if you take the time to watch the game, there is not favoritism shown in the game.

And even if the umpire was somehow showing some favoritism, the action of the defensive team is deplorable. I can't think of any scenario where it's ok for a pitcher to purposely hit the umpire (or batters, for that matter). Play the game with the respect and sportsmanship it deserves.

Humpty is a troll and just here to stir the pot...
Feb 3, 2011
I showed my daughter the clip this morning before school with an admonition:

"Don't ever do this. Not only is it unsportsmanlike and low-class, it's also dangerous. This is not what good people or good athletes do."
"But what if my coach tells me to?"
"Doesn't matter. YOU know better."

I know it would never happen with her current coaches, but if a coach ever told her or her teammates to participate in an action like that, she'd be off the team at the conclusion of the tournament. And if SHE ever joined in such an action before moving out on her own, I'd make her give away all her equipment and softball would become a memory.
Nov 26, 2010
So the girl verbaled to Utah but can't throw a strike? She can't throw a strike but nailed his mask first try. I didnt see the whole game but I'm assuming she walked the bases loaded. If he's not calling pitches strikes because he was mad at the coachevs or fans then he deserved it imo.

No ump deserves this. If his strike zone was not to the pitcher's liking she has to adjust, just like everyone else. The ball four on this video was obviously pulled up 6 inches by the catcher. Based on how much movement there was by the catcher, I have to assume the pitch was low and a ball.
Nov 26, 2010
I'm an eye for an eye kinda guy. Equaly tight or ridiculously tight? The strike zone should not be optional or change based on how you feel. I dont like Umpires that think they are god. If you can't handle the mouthy coaches or loud fans go do something else. Hopefully that umpire will think twice before squeezes the zone the next time.

So as an eye for an eye sort of guy you should think that the ump should have one free shot at the pitcher and catcher. Throw the ball as hard as he can at their head?

No one said he was retaliating, In fact one of the parents off the camera asked him where the last pitch was and he showed them. Most umps if they are mad would not tell them anything.
Sep 18, 2011
The coach, the players, and anyone who condones this behavior all have their priorities seriously out of whack.
Jun 20, 2012
I showed my daughter the clip this morning before school with an admonition:

"Don't ever do this. Not only is it unsportsmanlike and low-class, it's also dangerous. This is not what good people or good athletes do."
"But what if my coach tells me to?"
"Doesn't matter. YOU know better."

I know it would never happen with her current coaches, but if a coach ever told her or her teammates to participate in an action like that, she'd be off the team at the conclusion of the tournament. And if SHE ever joined in such an action before moving out on her own, I'd make her give away all her equipment and softball would become a memory.

I think I'd tell my daughter to take it one step further: give the coach the ball, tell him/her you will not be a part of a team where the coach tells you to do that, tell the umpire what the coach told you to do, take all your personal gear and go home. Leave the field right then and there. Leave all the team stuff, because we aren't going to need it anymore. No way, no hell we'll be a part of anything like that.
Jul 16, 2008
What is really funny is the first paragraph of the CC website;

" Welcome to the Site of the California Cruisers Gold

The California Cruisers Organization is dedicated to the advancement of our players both as student athletes and also as young ladies. The Cruisers Organizational goal is to teach our players important life lessons through the game of softball. The California Cruisers are committed to playing at the highest level. Our number one goal each year is to win Nationals. The Cruiser players are committed to continually developing their skills, contributing to our number one goal, and progressing to the collegiate level. Aligned with these goals are the staffs mission of providing the best in: DEVELOPMENT, EXPOSURE and COMPETITION."

Imagine what important life lessons were taught that night....
Nov 26, 2010
Comp your some kinda of Ump so of course your gonna side with your people. If you think its acceptable for an Ump to ruin a game and not call the game the way its supposed to be called then you don't belong anywhere near a softball field.
I am not an ump. I coached. I have a dd who is a pitcher, and she catches on occasion. I am a stand up for yourself sort of guy. It is unacceptable for an ump to ruin a game. It is far more unacceptable for what happened to have happened. Regardless of whose idea it was, coaches or players. If I ran that org (I also was on the board for an org at one time) I would have seen to it that that coach and those players no longer wore our team colors and insignia.

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