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Jun 11, 2013
Maybe the coach can teach his catcher how to frame a pitch. On the last real pitch it's very close and she moves it up 8-10 inches. This might fly in 10U rec, but not at 18U.

I remember seeing a similar incident in the Major leagues this year (I think it was the Yankees) where the catcher whiffed at a high FB, but he didn't diver 10 feet out of the way of the ball.
Jun 22, 2008
Comp your some kinda of Ump so of course your gonna side with your people. If you think its acceptable for an Ump to ruin a game and not call the game the way its supposed to be called then you don't belong anywhere near a softball field.

Humpty, absolutely nothing in either of the vidoes shows any evidence the umpire was cheating anyone. The coach was simply pissed he was getting beat and decided to go after the umpire. And if you think I support umpires just because they are umpires I suggest you research the threads a little.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Look people- that ONE PITCH he called a ball was a perfect strike. The bases are loaded and people in the stands are saying "you proved your point". Clearly something happened earlier in the game and the ump is doing that thing that only a few bad umps do, showing who is the boss by making it impossible to throw a strike. We've all seen it, we all hate it. Very few umps do this, but the ones that do ruin games. So what do you do if this happens? smile and let the game play on with your team having no fun and destined to lose? Politely talk to this guy who clearly is not reasonable or he would not be doing this? Talk to the other umps? Talk to the other coach? I don't know. I hope I would never ask a pitcher and catcher to do this, but I know I would be tempted.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Criminal? What a bunch of pansies. Stand up for yourself and handle your own business. Maybe the next time someone tries to bully that kid she will throat punch em. If the Ump had a problem with the coach throw the coach out of the game. Don't ruin the game by not calling strikes.

Comp your some kinda of Ump so of course your gonna side with your people. If you think its acceptable for an Ump to ruin a game and not call the game the way its supposed to be called then you don't belong anywhere near a softball field.

If you think it's okay to resolve your issues on the field with physical violence, you don't belong anywhere near a softball field...or kids.

I don't care what kind of issue the coach had with the ump, what he asked his players to do was criminal. I feel very sorry for the girls who were asked to participate in that incident.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Thanks for posting the whole game. I didn't watch it all, but I skimmed through, it looks like the ump called it pretty clean, the Cruisers started getting beat, the coach and parents started chirping, blue didn't like it and started punishing the girls (two runs walked in on what appear to be perfect pitches), Ump got hit in face mask with a ball.

Another instance of how childish behavior escalates quickly to bad things. The coach was being a knob, the parents were being knobs and then the ump followed suit and got knobby. Someone has to be an adult and do their jobs in these situations or things get ugly.

I don't let the girls off the hook either, these are almost grown women, they are idiots too.

However, I do not think this is criminal, and the idea of pressing charges is taking it too far. I think the coach should be suspended for a season and the ump should be reprimanded.
Feb 7, 2013
So the girl verbaled to Utah but can't throw a strike? She can't throw a strike but nailed his mask first try. I didnt see the whole game but I'm assuming she walked the bases loaded. If he's not calling pitches strikes because he was mad at the coachevs or fans then he deserved it imo.

Your comment represents the ugly side of youth sports (And I say this as a coach and a parent, not as an umpire).

I hope the head coach, pitcher, and catcher all got ejected on this disgusting display of unsportsmanlike conduct. Anyone who thinks this is ok behavior at a softball game needs to have their head examined.

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