The Yips

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May 7, 2008
I did not and will not tell her what is wrong. I was shell shocked, yesterday. i wish I would have had her toss the ball aside, instead of throwing it back to the pitcher.

Heck, I should have stopped the whole practice and had her hit.
Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
JMO and all that, but it sounds like some of you are giving the word way too much power. It is just a word that was invented to describe a situation. The word all by itself has no meaning, don't give it power through fear of using it.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
JMO and all that, but it sounds like some of you are giving the word way too much power. It is just a word that was invented to describe a situation. The word all by itself has no meaning, don't give it power through fear of using it.

It's all a matter of FRAMING the issue, esp. when dealing with something that is all mental.

Sometimes putting something into a different frame of mind can change perception, and sometimes changing perception can change reality.
Mar 23, 2010
Oh gosh, now I get it!
I cannot play putt-putt! I cannot hit a golf ball a short distance. It takes me 20 putts to get it into one hole, while I'm slamming the ball around the course.

My husband will yell at me, "Just hit it softly", and I'll yell back, "I'M HITTING IT AS SOFT AS I CAN!!!"

I always blamed it on my quick flex muscles.

Really hard to hit it softly while you're tensed up screaming at the spouse, which is why I never golf with the spouse. ;-)
Apr 28, 2014
My DD gets the yips but only when doing soft toss during warm ups.
My wife and I have been calling it the YIPS for the past 3 years so it's funny to read this thread.
She tried out for a pretty high level 12U travel team when she just turned 11. Did an awesome job in try outs and was asked to pitch for the team.
First practice during warm ups with the girls she was throwing the ball 10 -15 feet over her partners head.
Me and the wife looked at the head coach and he looked like someone stole his puppy.
We laughed as she is pretty rock solid in the circle so we knew all would be okay. The YIPS are real.
Mar 21, 2013
This most recently happened to MLB Texas Ranger catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia. It was pretty bad. I think he was sent to the minors and spent a year or so there until he could iron it out.
Oct 10, 2013
I know what the yips do you teach a kid to get rid of the yips when she is trying to come back from a concussion? Pitching, hitting and batting.

After her warm up pitches, she squatted down on 1 knee for the throw down. She turned her head to pick up some dirt and the throw from the catcher hit her in the head. The ball actually hit her so hard it flew over the 1b dugout.

We have her seeing an outside counselor. She finally threw to some bunters on Sunday....she did ok. Batting front toss is fine, me putting in balls in a machine is fine (I hate machines but in this case coming back I wanted her to see 55-60 before she steps in on live pitching.) Everything else not good but we are seeing improvement.

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