Team falling apart

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Don't worry about it; everyone will have a coke and a smile and settle down after a bit. �� The very nature of the boards is to express differing opinions, points-of-view, and experiences so you can learn from others and (hopefully) make a more informed decision. There wouldn't be a need for discussion if we all agreed or had the concrete answers - so don't let any disagreement push you back into lurking. You have valuable experiences to offer, and that makes the discussion better because it adds depth. I love the good ol' boys (and girls) but the newbies gotta step up and participate to really make things interesting and useful.

Good luck to your family and DD. I remember tears during our team change. It sure isn't easy, no matter what you decide.

Good point!
Jun 12, 2015
I definitely like including the kids in these decisions. Of course, had we made the decision FOR ours instead of waiting for her to make it we'd have saved ourselves several hundred dollars. By the time she was ready to go, we'd already paid spring dues though we hadn't started spring tourneys yet. But I still can't bring myself to regret it. We also let her make the decision of which team to join. Had her opinion not coincided with ours we might have tried to bring her around to what we thought, but as it was she chose the team we thought was the best fit so it worked out. I wonder if we'd just taken her off the old team without her input if she might be less happy now, just from having had her choices removed. We try to be conscious of that kind of thing as much as possible, within reason.
Sep 24, 2013
Theres a good chance the sinking ship will sink mid season and youll be out that same money.

Any chance you can get any portion refunded? Unfortunately teams fold everyday and coaches keep money when they shouldn't. Or they spent said money frivolously and its gone anyways. When theres no money to pay the bills it all ends suddenly.
We made the decision today to do this weekend's tournament with old team. Next week we are moving to new team! Thanks to everyone for input really helped with making a choice and to get over the money! Thanks again!

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