Team falling apart

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Sorry if this has been asked before. The team my DD is on looks like they will break up because the organization is going thru legal trouble! The team is still trying to have practice at local parks (they had their own field which the locks have been changed and equipment locked up) still going to tournaments ( I think the number that they do will be greatly reduced). My DD guest played for another team and they love her! This past weekend is the most she ever pitched in a tournament. Should my DD join the other team or stay with the sinking ship? If we leave the first team we are out quite a bit of money. The other team will greatly reduce our fees for the season but still it's a good amount. Just curios on people's opinions.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
What's the upside to staying with the sinking ship (besides money)? If the ship is definitely going down, I would be looking for a new good fit for my DD in a hurry. If there are legal issues involved, it's likely I would want to separate myself sooner rather than later.
Really hard to say without more information. If the team is breaking up FOR SURE and it will do so before the end of the season, then positioning yourself now with another team makes sense. You won't want to be trying to find her a team within the mad rush of all her former teammates trying to find teams, as well.

Just remember that your DD bolting might actually be the cause (or the last straw, as it were) that finally breaks the team up for good. Make sure you know what this can mean and what repercussions it may have.

Last, if your DD quits and her current team somehow manages to stay together, then you might have the dreaded (and rightfully so) "team jumper" banner hung around her neck. NOBODY wants that.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Teams fall apart. If you and your DD are serious about softball, get out and go to a different team.

Playing for a team in death throes is one of the worst experiences around.
Jun 12, 2015
We lost money changing teams to a much better situation. Losing money sucks but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
I don't think there is a good chance her current team stays together for that much longer. (There is an embezzlement case against one of the co-owners) Thiink they will probably do 2 or 3 tournaments then call it a wrap, that's just what I think not a fact.I don't want to let down the girls on current team because it's not their fault. If I keep her on current team and they break up in a month or two it will be harder for her to find a team to get on. The other team age wise is all but one on the lower end of 12u and they plan to keep the same team thru fall and next spring/summer.
Jun 12, 2015
Did your DD get hit with the "team jumper" label?
I'm sure that's what the old coach would say. Probably has said. I'm not concerned though. We had the same coach from 6u through 10u. I could easily see staying with our new coach the rest of the way. We left because of poor coaching, 100%. People can think whatever they'd like.
I'm sure that's what the old coach would say. Probably has said. I'm not concerned though. We had the same coach from 6u through 10u. I could easily see staying with our new coach the rest of the way. We left because of poor coaching, 100%. People can think whatever they'd like.

Cool glad everything worked out for you and your daughter!
Nov 29, 2009
I don't think there is a good chance her current team stays together for that much longer. (There is an embezzlement case against one of the co-owners) Thiink they will probably do 2 or 3 tournaments then call it a wrap, that's just what I think not a fact.I don't want to let down the girls on current team because it's not their fault. If I keep her on current team and they break up in a month or two it will be harder for her to find a team to get on. The other team age wise is all but one on the lower end of 12u and they plan to keep the same team thru fall and next spring/summer.

You alluded to losing money. That is going to happen either way. If the team folds you've lost it. If you change teams you've lost money. Take the money out of the decision making process and see what looks to be the best situation softball wise for your DD and make your decision from there. As you said. She's already been guesting on another team.

Team A: Legal issues for sure. Less pitching time. Doubt if the team makes the summer. May lose money.

Team B: They like your DD. She pitched more. Team is solid so far. Will lose money to the old team. Reduced fees.

Pick your poison. There is no honor going down with the ship. It sounds like you have legitimate concerns. You're not leaving to leave. I wouldn't worry about being labeled a "Team Jumper" right now. That's usually reserved for the kids with the crazy parents who are on 5 teams in 2 years.

There is a 14U team that folded near me. The coach is rumored to have stolen money from the team and bounced checks to various entities. The players were scrambling to find places to play right before the season starts.

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