Rules for passing a runner

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Jun 11, 2013
I'm embarrassed that I don't know this, but think the umps might have gotten one wrong this weekend in out game. NSA rules.

Situation , bases loaded a girl on the other team hits one in the game. first 2 runners score and 3rd should have, but for some reason stopped at third. The hitter rounded second and started towards third.

The throw comes in to our SS who runs over towards third. For some reason the girl already on 3rd decides to head back to second and passes the runner coming from second. After she passes the runner our SS tags her out. Then the other girl who hit the ball runs back to second and runs around the SS and makes to to second without getting tagged.

If it sound confusing it is. Anyway they call the lead runner out and allow the girl to stay on second.

I argued that they were both out because the the hitter passed the other runner and should have been out and we tagged the lead runner off the base. The embarrassing part was I wasn't sure which runner was out when someone passed the other so I couldn't really argue to hard.

He stated that the lead runner was out when she made it to third and then tried to go back to second. I started to argue that you could go back to any base as long as there was a base to go to but it was a consolation game and I really like the ump and didn't want to get into it at that time.

Can any umpires tell me how this should have been called if it ever comes up again in the future.
Feb 15, 2013
But there wasn't a base to go to because the batter runner had already safely occupied 2nd. So if I'm understanding this right, the runner was out prior to the tag after stepping off 3rd and heading towards 2nd which was already occupied.

I might be reading this wrong but that sounds like the explanation you received.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I think the runners can run by each other as much as they want until they touch a base. If the trail runner touched 3rd you might have a case but I am not sure.
Jun 11, 2013
But there wasn't a base to go to because the batter runner had already safely occupied 2nd. So if I'm understanding this right, the runner was out prior to the tag after stepping off 3rd and heading towards 2nd which was already occupied.

I might be reading this wrong but that sounds like the explanation you received.

But the runner on 2nd could still go back to first so while there was someone on it there wasn't a force. I may be wrong but think you can do that.
Jun 22, 2008
There is no rule about being out for retreating from a base. There is, however, a rule about passing another runner. If a trailing runner completely passes a preceeding runner they are out and the ball remains live. I realize the lead runner was in fact retreating, but it is the responsibility of the trailing runner to not let themselves get in front of the lead runner. As described in the play, the trailing runner should have been called out for passing the lead runner, and the lead runner should have been out on the tag.
Jun 11, 2013
Comp, thanks. I knew the ump was wrong on the retreating base, but not sure about who was out on runner passing the other which I should have.
Dec 20, 2012
Comp, thanks. I knew the ump was wrong on the retreating base, but not sure about who was out on runner passing the other which I should have.

Take opinions until you find the one that agrees with you and then give them an at'a boy for being right. lol j/k

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