*POLL~12u team~ What do you think about mandatory...

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Would you play for this team?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 13.3%
  • No

    Votes: 26 34.7%
  • Thats Ridiculous

    Votes: 48 64.0%
  • Thats Fantastic

    Votes: 6 8.0%

  • Total voters
Jun 23, 2018
Wow, this thread is off the rails. Everyone yelling and nobody listening. Ask a question that the answer is an individual opinion and then dismiss the answer because it's not what you wanted to hear. Opinions are like........ never mind, but here is mine anyway. Hold your nose.

As a parent I have the right to make decisions that are best for my child without the threat of a coach taking her PT or even maybe considering it in "HIS" big picture when making decisions because I as a parent decide that she needs a break or something was more important than softball that day (I know, softball is life and nothing is more important than softball, just ask my kid, well she would say TicTok then softball).

It has been said that the coach (I'm paraphrasing as I understood what I read) uses it to help him/her have additional info to help make decisions. What about the info that they still don't know, like my DD stayed up late last night to finish a science project and it is hers and the teams best interest to go to bed early tonight so she is halfway alert for practice tomorrow? "No playing time for you!!!"

All of the above is extreme and I intended it that way to make a point. Look, if a young lady is motivated to put in extra work, than that is great, it will show up in practice and games. As a parent of MY DD, I would not be willing to accept the terms of that team. My DD puts in lots of extra work at home, but that is her choice and I support that. It's only 12U. They weren't giving out scholarship at that 12U tournament last weekend.

You might not agree with me or maybe you would just do something different. That's fine, but you asked what I thought, not tell you what you want to hear. It's OK if we disagree. I won't change your mind and you probably won't change mine, but that's OK. I will respect your decision to be wrong. (That's a joke)
May 6, 2015
again it boils down to there is a team for every player, and players for every team.

for those girls who are really driven, and are going to put in that extra work, doing the video is not that big a deal, as they are likely already doing that level of work. for the girls not driven to that level, that is OK too, there is a team for them as well. now if a 12u B level coach all of a sudden starts expecting that, he is coaching the wrong team, or picked the wrong players.

I personally find it ridiculous, and so would DD, but I knwo parents and girls who would not. there is a lot else goiong on for a lot of these girls.

all that being said, I think the coach would need to respect players/parents who occasionally said, sorry, she needed a break/rest, or there was a major project to work on, etc. life intrudes. anyone who says this is an everyday requirement, and literally expects it 365 days a year, is not realistic. life intrudes.
Jun 8, 2016
We home schooled my 11 YO (second year 12U) DD this year because of the uncertainty surrounding in person vs virtual (and our concern was actually valid based upon how many times they switched) so DD has had extra time to do sports stuff. Every Sat I make out a schedule for her in terms of ball activity for the coming week which includes team practices/tournaments for sball and bball, stuff she can do on her own and stuff I do with her. Without actual school to go to it has given her some structure for her day which she likes.

She typically works on basketball on her own 3 or 4 days a week (maybe like 20 to 30 minutes of dribbling/shooting), does tee work (3 buckets or so) 1 or 2 times a week and does some fielding on her own (wall ball for example) once a week. In addition I throw to her 3 times a week (twice before her actual team practice) for like 20 to 30 minutes or so e.g. about 3 buckets and we work on her fielding twice a week (probably 20 minutes each time). In addition she has 1 bball practice a week and (for now before tournaments start) 2 or 3 team sball practices a week.

I don't make her do any of it, and she has bailed on the individual stuff a few times, but in general it is good for her to get out of the house and away from her little brothers for a while. It seems like a lot but considering she gets all of her school work done in about 2 hours or so it keeps her out of trouble.

Once she gets back in school in the Fall some of the stuff she does on her own will likely diminish and I will see if she still wants me to write out a schedule.
Apr 8, 2019
Coach gets to see them that week for the weekend tournament roster.

Ask yourself this...
While coaches are running practice do they get to see every player batting ?
Maybe not because that coach maybe working with the outfield or vice versa...at those practices.
Just bringing in examples.
Lol your arguement/debate is using more resource is a bad thing?
Wait wait, that is not my debate/argument. First this is 12u. If you have that many players on your team where you can't observe them, then you need to either get more coaches or you are doing something terribly wrong. Find another sport. At 12 she is not going to college, she is in middle school. Second, If the coach or orginaztion stipulated that this is a requirement before you signed up, then that is on you. The key word in this whole question is "Mandatory". It should be mandatory if you take a players money, they should get plenty to playing time. You picked them. Lastly, failure to comply will affect playing time. Please!!! It will show during practice and games. If you are a good coach you will see it.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Wait wait, that is not my debate/argument. First this is 12u. If you have that many players on your team where you can't observe them, then you need to either get more coaches or you are doing something terribly wrong. Find another sport. At 12 she is not going to college, she is in middle school. Second, If the coach or orginaztion stipulated that this is a requirement before you signed up, then that is on you. The key word in this whole question is "Mandatory". It should be mandatory if you take a players money, they should get plenty to playing time. You picked them. Lastly, failure to comply will affect playing time. Please!!! It will show during practice and games. If you are a good coach you will see it.
Wait a minute
The money you pay to play in most cases does not go into the coaches wallet.
It simply pays for all the team expenses.
How much time can a coach spend with each player?


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Let me point this out again~




Hope everyone finds the best fit for their individual preferences and goals!!!
Apr 8, 2019
Wait a minute
The money you pay to play in most cases does not go into the coaches wallet.
It simply pays for all the team expenses.
How much time can a coach spend with each player?
Who said it went in their pockets. It pays for tournaments and training. That's how they sale it. What did you mean how much time for each player? Where in the heck do they do that? This is why you have more then ONE coach. I don't know where you are from but they need some help if this is happening. This why you do drills, scrimmages, situational plays.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Who said it went in their pockets. It pays for tournaments and training. That's how they sale it. What did you mean how much time for each player? Where in the heck do they do that? This is why you have more then ONE coach. I don't know where you are from but they need some help if this is happening. This why you do drills, scrimmages, situational plays.
How much time....
Is the question you have to ask yourself are willing to put in to improve your skills.
How much time do you think a coach has to individually technically look at players to help each one individually?

Video is an added resource for everybody!

As to you making a point of how expensive travel ball is.
Would think a coach taking extra time to oversee the teams facilitation would be a good thing.
To use resources is a good thing.
Especially at no extra financial cost out of you the payers pocket.

For a lot of folks
Softball is more than
What you do at practice.

Heres another perspective
On time~ example
~You can get your swings in at practice.
Say 2 days a week.
You can do that and add 2 more days a week on your own.
It costs the same out of pocket to play for the team.
Most of the time the players who put more time into hitting will improve faster.
Eventually skill level determines who plays when and where at all levels.

Which is more important.
Your financial investment?

Remember come tournaments
The more you win the more games your team plays.
The cost for the tournament is the same either way.
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