POLL & Discussion about DEDICATION

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% of players who put in their own work

  • 100%

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • 90%

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • 80%

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • 75%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50%

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • 25%

    Votes: 14 42.4%
  • 10%

    Votes: 6 18.2%

  • Total voters
Jun 8, 2016
In 2022 there no way 50% of ALL amateur softball players (the question didn’t specify TB) do something outside of team activities..closer to 25% or less. “TB” might be 50% but that I even doubt considering all the levels..
Jun 6, 2016
What do you guesstimate the percentage of dedication you're seeing with softball players.

Dedication~ Specifically meaning the amount of training an individual is putting into ANY softball related skills on their own time.
Going Beyond just showing up for practice and games.
Training / Practicing on their own,
weekly ongoing routine.

Does age affect this?


Of my high school players:

One pitcher who very much wants to play in college. She works on her own, but unfortunately, that really means on her own (well, with her younger sister, who is a catcher). She doesn't have the at-home parent-coach who can guide her. But she does work.

Two other girls who I would say do this in a more casual way. As in they'll play catch, etc. together. It's not focused training.

Another girl that has no way to actually work at home, but who will ask me to work with her as often as possible.

Three other girls have dads who will work with them, take them to batting cages, etc., but I don't know how regular it is.

One newer player whose boyfriend plays on the baseball team. I know she'll practice with him, but again, no idea how often that happens.

There are others who will come to open field in the fall/winter. And maybe others in that group do work on their own, but certainly not to any serious extent.

I have 21 returning players this year, including one Freshman who has been playing with our middle school team. I have one, maybe two, who really seriously work at it as much as someone should if this is something they want to do at the next level. Those two are also the only two current HS players I have who play on real travel teams (I have a few who do a fall ball league that is "travel" in the sense they play teams from other places, but it's not true travel).
May 21, 2018
In 2022 there no way 50% of ALL amateur softball players (the question didn’t specify TB) do something outside of team activities..closer to 25% or less. “TB” might be 50% but that I even doubt considering all the levels..
in 2022 you answer every question based on anecdotal evidence, which is why I went with 80 percent.;) I honestly have zero knowledge of how softball, or any other sport, work outside of my own little corner of paradise, so I wasn't sure how else to answer.

I think DD's 14u travel team would be at 100 percent that work on their own, at least to some extent (This team plays at an A-ish level). School ball is harder to tell. Using the eye test, I would guess about 50 to 60 percent. That percentage is rising as we get older and the less interested girls leave the sport. Based on parent gossip, a good amount of girls are bailing out on sports all together at our school, because they know they will struggle to compete for playing time with the travel or club girls. This will drive the percentage in question up I believe.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Possibly how teams are coached can affect the percentage of players who work out on their own.

Possibly how players are raised by their parents can affect the percentage of players who work out on their own.

Both pending how important they think it is for players to work out on their own in addition to team practices.
Nov 26, 2010
Depends on your definition of work. My dd (pitcher) didn’t practice at home 5 times a week (or 3 or sometimes at all) . Some would say that is absolutely necessary. But she was always in shape and ready to perform when. called upon
Apr 20, 2018
Depends on your definition of work. My dd (pitcher) didn’t practice at home 5 times a week (or 3 or sometimes at all) . Some would say that is absolutely necessary. But she was always in shape and ready to perform when. called upon
I have to ask what level she played? I guess a gifted athlete might be able to learn to throw strikes but it would be very rare to have a pitcher who only throws game time be very effective.
Nov 26, 2010
I have to ask what level she played? I guess a gifted athlete might be able to learn to throw strikes but it would be very rare to have a pitcher who only throws game time be very effective.
Your last sentence is sort of what I meant by depends on the definition of work. Some times she had time to work at it hard. Other times it was of secondary importance. I know people who would expect 5 days a week to consider someone putting in the work. Others have a different idea.

B level travel, #1 pitcher through out. 4 year letter winner in HS #1 pitcher her las 2 years. Lettered in 3 sports.

College she didn’t want to play, she was in a 5 year engineering masters program, and didn’t think she would have enough time to do everything she wanted to do.

So she played 2 years of Club ball. Second team All American her sophomore year.
May 21, 2018
I have to ask what level she played? I guess a gifted athlete might be able to learn to throw strikes but it would be very rare to have a pitcher who only throws game time be very effective.
I can't speak for chinamigarden, but my DD almost never practices at this point. This past weekend she went 6 innings and gave up 1 run against a team that did really well at PGF Platinum this summer for whatever that's worth. The problem is consistency. When she has plenty of time to warm up, and she can "find" her pitches she does well, even against top PGF teams. However, there are other times when it just doesn't happen. I think more practice time would help with this, but alas, volleyball is a very time consuming second sport.

Edit: I see chinamigarden posted while I was composing my diatribe.
Apr 20, 2018
I find it amazing that these pitchers (jdint's DD and chinamigarden"s DD) are able to pitch successfully without much practice. Good for them. I think a structured practice schedule for pitchers has the best chance for success.
May 13, 2021
I would say it matters what level you are playing. The higher the level the more those girls are putting in work away from practice, or they wouldn't be at that level. I would guess at the level we are currently playing it is below 50% that practice on a regular basis away from practice. Lower levels would be even less, then If you step up to the A level teams it would have to be a lot higher.

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