Not sure if he really knows the game?

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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Dd is on first after a single during a HS game the other day. The next batter grounds the ball hard and straight at the F4 who is in the baseline. DD knows to slowly jog at this point to force the F4 towards her and make her waste time thus taking away the possibility of a double play. The first base coach screams her name loud enough for every one within a square mile to hear. And he's saying NO, NO, NO....WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE BASE?!?!? and then proceeds to follow her towards the dugout yelling at her for such a basic and stupid decision! She's humiliated and crying at this point, because everyone there knows that the coach is dead wrong. Not only for the fact he apparently thinks it was a line drive but mainly the way he's yelling at her.
My wife is begging me to stay calm and seated. It took every fiber of my self control to not go knock his teeth in.
I called him on his cell three times and twice at home, but he refuses to answer my calls. How would you handle this from my perspective?
Jul 16, 2008
Have your DD ask him about the play and his perspective... include the HC in the conversation. As far as you getting involved...don't. Be thankful he didn't answer, let your DD handle it.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I understand why you are upset, and the coach made a mistake.

I called him on his cell three times and twice at home, but he refuses to answer my calls. How would you handle this from my perspective?

I would do nothing. Talk to your DD after the game, tell her, "Wow. The coach disagrees with what I taught you. But, you can handle it."

I'm sure you raised DDs an intelligent, strong people. She doesn't need you to handle buffoons like this yoyo.

BUT: Never call a coach unless your DD is physically endangered. Your DD has to take care of these problems without you.
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May 7, 2008
You are right in how you feel. A grown man has no right to scream at a teenage girl, over something like this. Please encourage your DD to tell him, directly (if their is a next time) "Please lower your voice."
Oct 22, 2009
Would anyone speak with the HC a few days later to see if the HC addressed this with the first base coach? I would really be tempted, but then again, I agree that DD should be able to handle this.
Mar 31, 2014
Would anyone speak with the HC a few days later to see if the HC addressed this with the first base coach? I would really be tempted, but then again, I agree that DD should be able to handle this.

I haven't, my daughter pitches and he doesn't seem to know how to call pitches. She knows better than to throw a fastball over the middle of the plate but he keeps calling that pitch. The bad part is if she doesn't throw the pitch she will get in trouble for not throwing what he is calling and when she does throw the pitch she is in danger of bullets being hit back up the middle. It is really not hard to discuss this with the coach but I don't believe it is for me to discuss this with the coach, my daughter needs to learn how to handle this problem.
Jul 26, 2010
My daughter went through this recently at her HS. She gave up a grand slam in the first inning last week, and on monday the coach called an hour long team meeting. He basically screamed at her for a half hour in front of the team letting them all know what an aweful, useless person she is. She turned in her jerseys the next day. The team held a meeting without the coach and confronted him, making him sign an "agreement" to stop being an abusive bully or they would all quit.

Feb 7, 2013
Agree with sluggers, stay out of it. Curious if you would have had the same reaction if it had been your son?
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