I want to scream when....

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Awaiting genuis pills
Aug 30, 2011
Chicago Suburbs
When a pitcher's parent says "She throws a lot harder and has better control during her lessons" or "Her PC doesn't think the leap is a problem right now"
May 22, 2012
MLB Team Splits By Counts/ 2000 ~ 2007 ~ 2008 ~ 2009

Count 2000 2007 2008 2009
0-0 .336 .344 .337 .338
1-0 .343 .341 .339 .340
2-0 .360 .350 .355 .368
3-0 xxxx .396 .370 .395
0-1 .324 .324 .339 .317
1-1 .325 .327 .329 .332
2-1 .340 .339 .339 .339
3-1 .344 .368 .350 .352
0-2 .160 .164 .160 .156
1-2 .178 .170 .179 .171
2-2 .195 .191 .194 .189
Full .234 .230 .227 .233

interesting, thanks for posting. would love to see same chart with obp
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
When you can play 2 games, an hour apart, one your defense could rival any MLB team...... the next looks like a circus act. We had one of each last night.
Nov 26, 2010
Parents who shout strange things from the stands. During one HS game, every time his daughter came up to bat the parent shouted "first one's a cookie!" ??? I think my DD would kill me if I shouted ANYTHING, let alone that!

A parent with a team we played a few times last year would tell her pitcher dd to "throw the pretty one". I could not help myself when my dd hit it deep in the gap. "Wow that one went PRETTY far"
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
Probably already said but it gets me when little ones are running up and down the metal bleachers over and over because they like the sound of the Bong, bong, bong...all during a game. Drives.me.nuts!! BTW, these are not MY little ones. I leave mine at home with DH. LOL!
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
When the offense has runners on 1st and 3rd and everyone in the world knows that the runner on first is going to steal second and the defense does... absolutely NOTHING. Throw the ball and have second cut it off. Fake the throw. I don't care but for the love of God dO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel your pain


Way past gone
Aug 28, 2011
The Crazy Train
Screams of Joy
My DD gets another shot in the gap after being in the bottom three hitters on her team SHE PUT A TON OF WORK IN PERSONALLY TO IMPROVE and is now in the top with a 500 avg and leads the team in RBI's right now.

Screams of Pain
Every time a player looks through the fence to their parents because they are worried about pleasing Coach Mom or Coach Dad as opposed to COACH.
A coach or parent yells "Throw Strikes" (I wish the kid would stop and yell back, "What the *&%^ do you think we are doing here?")
A parent whose kid makes game winning plays and contributes to the team chooses to complain about playing positions or time
Every time I see a coach spitting his dip or seeds on the field of play
Opposing coaches talking about how they are not going to play in a lower seeded bracket to another coach after loosing in pool play. Only to add that he would not have lost one of those pool games if he had thought it would mean playing DOWN with teams he could run rule.
A Coach yells at their players on game day

as for all others posts...Ditto :)
Jul 1, 2010
- When parents yell "mine, mine, mine" when there is a popup to the other team. (classy!!)
- When base coaches yell the pitch sign to their batter or talk loudly about the weaknesses of the opposing pitcher (takes a real man to intimidate a 10U pitcher.
- When dads constantly yell instructions to their HS age daughters.
- When parents groan loudly at every called ball or strike because they have a much better view from the stands.:rolleyes:

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