I want to scream when....

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Nov 26, 2010
I want to scream when my dd gets her first OTF homerun. Its going to happen this year. But I won't because its her moment and not mine. I also want to scream when she throws a no-no, but I don't.
Sep 18, 2011
When the offense has runners on 1st and 3rd and everyone in the world knows that the runner on first is going to steal second and the defense does... absolutely NOTHING. Throw the ball and have second cut it off. Fake the throw. I don't care but for the love of God dO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 7, 2012
My DD is small for her age, one of the smallest on her team. Thankfully her local pitching coach is an averaged sized woman about 5'6". She reminds my DD quite a bit that she was small growing up too so she had to rely on movement rather than speed. I love that.

You mean to tell me that she doesn't tell your DD to be an effective pitcher, you have to throw 55+. That someone actually tells that movement can be used just as effective as speed. I have told people that all the time, but, of course, you get the coaches, that will want a girl that can chuck it 55+ and not know where it is going over a girl, that can move the ball to any location. My DD pitching coach is Toni Paisley (ECU 2008-2011) and she tells my DD the same thing. If you can move the ball, you can be more effective then speed. She also pitched pro and they had problems hitting her and she only pitched in the 55-58 zone.
Feb 22, 2013
I want to scream when a parent calls me within hours of a tournament to inform me that her daughter isn't going to make it to the tournament. Oh, wait, I do scream when this happens.
Concerning a coach yelling at a catcher to get her helmet off......

I heard a high school coach say this to his catcher numerous times in a game last week.

It doesn't feel any better when you hear a college coach (former pitcher) yelling at your daughter to throw the helmet down, then fussing at her in the dugout because she didn't like where my daughter tossed the helmet.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
My baserunners run into an out after being told numerous times they don't have to run if the ball is hit to xxx because no one is behind them.
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