HS Practice before TB practice

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Oct 10, 2011
How many of you have HS practice then go to TB practice? We have practice on Saturdays for HS, then drive over an hour for TB practice. I know a lot of coaches do not have TB practice during the HS season.
Jun 24, 2013
DD’s MS plays on her leagues fields and players would go right from one practice to another, forget the commute she did not have the energy for it. 1 practice or game a day is enough for her. Other players did it just is not for her. I think she was in the minority.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
How many of you have HS practice then go to TB practice? We have practice on Saturdays for HS, then drive over an hour for TB practice. I know a lot of coaches do not have TB practice during the HS season.

We did it a couple of times last spring, and having endured it, I'm not a big fan of that. My DD had shoulder problems last fall, and I think it started the previous spring when she was throwing entirely too much trying to juggle both. (Was partly due to failing to warm up properly, but I don't see many coaches/teams that take care of that very well.) If the practices aren't that long, and it's on a weekend, and in particular if the practices are very different, then I'd consider it. But if she's going to be making 200 hard throws, or hitting for two hours, I don't see the point. Good way to get hurt or burned out.
May 7, 2008
What state association is allowing that? Neither of the states, that I lived in, does. Kids can only do so much. They have to have down time.

Middle school kids here can double up, but the ones I know, don't want to.
Nov 14, 2011
Same here. If we practice with our TB team after HS season starts then the student is banned from HS sports for 1 year. Not worth the risk. She is practicing 6 days a week with the HS anyways. No need for extra practices now.
Oct 10, 2011

We are allowed if there are less than 5 (??) girls on the HS team, on that TB team. DD doesn't like it because the HS practice is pretty hard core and last year she ended up re-injuring her ankle after playing 2 games and then going to TB. Last year Doctor said it's too much. TB Coach says she needs to be there though.
Jun 24, 2013
From your posts your DD is pretty good, see what she needs to be there means when the games start.

I would take my chances for DD.
Dec 7, 2011
DD has both practices to contend with too (pre-season as it still is).

DD has always gone to TB - it IS better for her altogether. (better focus/better play/ better better better)

BUT with DD being hs captain too all the time this was a very uncomfortable scenario.

BUT/BUT - since the conflict on Sunday was a hs "open gym" (less formal of a team gathering) we decided it was again "better" to go to TB.

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