how would you feel?? tournament issue

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Sep 10, 2013
The bottom line SB4U. Those teams did the TD a favor by playing in the 16U division that was short teams. Apparently the TD knew the teams were strong enough to play there as evidenced by them both being the championship game. They were also strong enough to win the 14U division too.

The general tenor of your post takes on a "Things should be fair." theme. Unfortunately softball is not always "Fair." These teams sounded like they were the strongest teams in both age groups and you feel they got preferential treatment because the helped the TD. As the TD why wouldn't I let the teams play where they were originally signed up for? From your post it sounds like the TD seeded the two teams where they would have ended up after pool play.

If you've ever run a tournament you'll know that it's rare things run smooth from start to finish. Sounds like the TD made some good adjustments on the fly that benefited the teams in both divisions.

If your DD's team would have beat either of those teams would you have posted here?

This wasn't about things running smooth. Taking those 2 14U teams out didn't affect the 14U pools we still had enough teams, they needed them to have enough teams for the 16U. So why did they feel the need to play in 14U too? This had nothing to do with whether or not we were gonna win or lose. We still came in 3rd place and we were happy with that. So your telling me its fair for 2 teams to get the chance at 2 championships when we all paid for the same 4gg tournament? Wow.......
Sep 10, 2013
Here is what I think. Did you get what you paid for? Then why care what someone else got.

Well depends on how you look at it. We went there for a championship we got third and after playing a very tough team, were happy with that. But there is no way anyone can tell me that its fair for all the teams to play $385 for a 4gg tourney and 2 teams get 2 chances at championships with one of those taking home 2 championships.
Sep 10, 2013
If it is an NSA sanctioned tournament it was in violation of NSA rules. That's the real bottom line. If they play up in 16U they stay up in 16U.
If it's a non sanctioned event using NSA rules it doesn't matter.

It was a NSA sanctioned tournament. Like I said the weekend before we played softball nation and they put 16U and 18U together for pool play Saturday and separated them on sunday for elimination games. Why would you let a team get 2 chances at a championship[?? The TD did have on a tshirt for one of the teams...
Apr 5, 2009
NE Kansas
Who cares about a championship. I would want the most games. If they volunteered to play up so that the older teams could have enough teams to play, on the condition that they get to play their own age bracket, smart team management.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
it sounds like one of these teams would have won the 14U division anyway if they hadn't played in 16U so what's the harm if the best team won? If they hadn't played and your team won would it even feel like you really won the tournament knowing you didn't play the best two teams?
Jan 27, 2010
While $385 isn't a small chunk of change, you signed up for 4 games and got 4 games. The 16s might not of been able to play 4 without playing teams twice. Since you placed 3rd, I'm guessing you thought you had a lock on 1st when the two teams went up. Life happens...
Nov 26, 2010
Well depends on how you look at it. We went there for a championship we got third and after playing a very tough team, were happy with that. But there is no way anyone can tell me that its fair for all the teams to play $385 for a 4gg tourney and 2 teams get 2 chances at championships with one of those taking home 2 championships.

I'm not talking about fair, I'm talking about why worry what someone else gets. You paid for your 4gg tourney with a chance to play for a championship. You got what you paid for. So someone else got more, but it wasn't at your expense. It would be different if they moved a 16u team down to even out a tourney and you lost to that team, but you lost to a team in your own age group.
Sep 10, 2013
While $385 isn't a small chunk of change, you signed up for 4 games and got 4 games. The 16s might not of been able to play 4 without playing teams twice. Since you placed 3rd, I'm guessing you thought you had a lock on 1st when the two teams went up. Life happens...

actually no we didn't go into thinking we were gonnna win anything. Our team has just made a huge turn around and we just started winning more than one game never mind placing. so yes life happens.
Sep 10, 2013
Thanks for the replies. While I still think its wrong, I understand where some of you are coming from. Our team is happy we got third as for many seasons we have been the bottom team and have finally worked ourselves up to start winning some games and not being the last team. Its been a long few seasons but they are finally getting what they have been working so hard for. And even though I think it wasn't fair, I am glad we got to play them, we are the only team that this team did not mercy.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Thanks for the replies. While I still think its wrong, I understand where some of you are coming from. Our team is happy we got third as for many seasons we have been the bottom team and have finally worked ourselves up to start winning some games and not being the last team. Its been a long few seasons but they are finally getting what they have been working so hard for. And even though I think it wasn't fair, I am glad we got to play them, we are the only team that this team did not mercy.

That is probably kinda sucks then to be the best team besides these two after coming from the cellar. but this is still a big accomplishment. I can see why this hit you the way it did.

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