Help with team choice first year 10u

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
My other thought is that there's a fine line between (1) wanting to be in the dugout because the team is better with you there, and (2) wanting to be in the dugout because you want to control your daughter's future. Be careful, IMO. Two of the best things I did for my daughter and those around her was deciding to coach her team, and later deciding not to coach her team.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
My other thought is that there's a fine line between (1) wanting to be in the dugout because the team is better with you there, and (2) wanting to be in the dugout because you want to control your daughter's future. Be careful, IMO. Two of the best things I did for my daughter and those around her was deciding to coach her team, and later deciding not to coach her team.

I understand what your saying. It's not about me coaching. Don't get me wrong, I love coaching her and her teammates. And from what I hear, they feel the same. But I want what is best for her growth and love of the game.
Apr 1, 2010
We will be losing the bottom. So far all of the top players are coming back. This team played all of '14 together. Mostly 8u with 1 10u tourney and 10u rec fall ball.

DD is top or near the top on this team. We have been playing with some that just didn't care though.
She wants to change teams because she wants to "play with girls that care and want to get better." I'm hoping to get rid of those and bring in some new players with heart and we can build around what we have.

Little league will pass by soon enough. :)
In our area, almost every team has a lot of little league or Texas teenage players.

The other team will have a mix of 04 and 05's. Current team is 05-06's.

I want say thanks for the thoughts and replies. Trying to sort it out and do what's best for DD.

IMO it sounds like your daughter is telling you she wants to switch.

Ok, you're losing the bottom half of the team and hoping to improve from tryouts, but I think I remember that you said your team's tryouts were going to be the last? That worries me. You might find a gem who's slipped between the cracks, but I'd expect whatever top talent is trying out to have been snapped up by that time. You may end up replacing the bottom half with another bottom half.

Do you have any impressions one way or the other about the coaching staff of this new team? Is there any way you can ask around to find out what they're like and what kind of experience they have? If it was an established team you could probably get a better scoop--it doesn't mean they'll be bad, but the unknown is risky. Also, do you know if they were able to get a full team and whether those girls play at the level your daughter wants?

With her December birthday, your DD is going to have to work hard to hang with a team of 04s and 05s, since she's only a month away from being an 06. Depends upon her, that might be great for her development or it might be discouraging. You probably have a better sense for that than we do. Good luck to her and to you, whatever you decide. :)
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
I don't know the coaching at all. They are a new team in a long standing org. That is a big risk for me.

They did get enough for a full team. I don't know about the girls they picked though. I've been told of one they picked that disappoints me but that could be with any team.

When she tried out she worked out with the 12u and 10u girls, 03, 04, and 05's
She can hang for sure :) 3rd fastest at the try out for all ages. And smart about the game.

My worry is about play time and playing positions she likes. The opposite side is she will work for that play time. I just hate to move sideways.

Thanks again for the replies! Love this forum!
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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
I don't know the coaching at all. They are a new team in a long standing org. That is a big risk for me.

They did get enough for a full team. I don't know about the girls they picked though. I've been told of one they picked that disappoints me but that could be with any team.

When she tried out she worked out with the 12u and 10u girls, 03, 04, and 05's
She can hang for sure :) 3rd fastest at the try out for all ages. And smart about the game.

My worry is about play time and playing positions she likes. The opposite side is she will work for that play time. I just hate to move sideways.

Thanks again for the replies! Love this forum!

Play time and positions are known if she stays where she is (assuming you can field a full team). The question I would want answered is whether she will learn more and improve (and have fun) where she is or with a new team? I wouldn't make a move to a new team without first finding out about and talking to the coaches or you risk ending up moving backwards even if the new team is with an established organization!
Apr 1, 2010
I am also somewhat concerned about getting enough good players on the current team to be competitive. There are about 10-12 decent 10u teams in our area but our tryouts are last.

Ha, I'm not senile yet after all! Here it is. If I were you, I would lobby to move up the team tryouts or add an additional early tryout session. After all, you're not wasting people's time with a cattle call when you're trying to pick up just one or two girls. You're trying to fill half the team. IMO it's justified for your team to push its way up in the tryout schedule so that you'll have a decent chance to look at the majority of the available girls.

If the other coaches won't budge, well...unfortunately, that tells you something too.

One thing I'm thinking--the choice maybe shouldn't be only between this new team and her old team. Why not take her to other tryouts too? There might be a perfect fit out there.
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Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
"IMO it sounds like your daughter is telling you she wants to switch. "
That weighs a lot in this. When asked, she wants to go to new team. No question.

Thank you for your replies.
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Mar 21, 2013
Nothing better than a choice like this when your kid makes the decision. If she wants to move up there is nowhere to place blame here. This can be a great life lesson, and she has to be accountable for her decision. If you made the choice however??????
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Just a little update now that the smoke has settled. We (she) made the decision to change teams. She really wants to be around better players and with this team being mixed 04's and 05's, she should get what she wants. Plus this org has some good connections and should be a good place for her should she continue with softball, which I think she will. Our first practice is in two weeks.

It was killer for me to give up being in the field with her and being with all of the girls on the other team. They meant a lot to me. But even some of the other parents from that team said she needed to move on and get better. So I feel we are making the right choice. Plus, I plan on coaching her little league team at least this year so I can get my fix coaching. :) Also hoping that the new team coaches will let me help at practice some but in a way I am also looking forward to just watching and being a dad.

Thanks for all the replies.

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