Choosing HS based on coach?

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Nov 14, 2011
We choose our TB team based on the coach and his experience for softball. We choose the HS based on the education that my dd will receive. Softball is such a small portion of the overall HS experience. While I would be happy that my dd wins her regional, sectional, state softball tourney, it would suck if she was a 2.0 GPA because the education system failed her.

After our HS softball team failed to win their conference many of the players "checked out" and are just going through the motions anyways. They are all waiting for HS ball to end so they can rejoin their TB teams.
Feb 15, 2013
This issue is actually a bigger one than i thought even in my small state. My DD was the best hitter and starting catcher on her MS team. Best hitter was told to me by the coaches but she did have a good season so it's not far fetched. 3rd MS game the "NEW" Varsity coach is in the stands watching the game and taking notes. He runs a very succesful 18U Gold team with several D1/D2 commits on his resume. In our area we have 5-10 private "Softball" type schools that girls often go to because they win and win a lot. Coach stops 3 sets of families and says can you stick around for a few minutes i would like to talk to you about your DD. Bascially he was recruiting our DD's before these other schools could. HS Softball to me is the pride of playing for your school and helping "YOUR" school win. As i told him my DD will be attending his program and will try and help him be succesful and won't be opting for a private or softball type school.
May 7, 2008
^What state allows blatant recruiting like that? Then, what happens if a kid he wants in MS, doesn't even make his team, a year or 2 later?
Feb 15, 2013
^What state allows blatant recruiting like that? Then, what happens if a kid he wants in MS, doesn't even make his team, a year or 2 later?

Not sure if this is really recruting or more just saying hey i'm the varsity coach and i would really like you to stay in district. If you were referring to the private schools well they are private and can contact any potential academic qualifying person they want. They just happen to choose the student athletes over the students at decision time.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
That is pretty much the norm in Florida. Some of the antics of private schools are amazing. All in the name of being the biggest fish in a very small pond (1A-3A).
Mar 26, 2013
Sounds like Florida does what a lot of states do - sets up HS divisions strictly on enrollment. Out here, each sport sets up their own divisions for playoffs and historical performance in the sport is usually a big factor. Going strictly by enrollment creates arbitrary cutoffs where a handful of students could be the difference between schools in different divisions.

A handful of private schools here in OC are athletic powerhouses. They're placed together in the Trinity League and generally play in the highest division of each sport.
Oct 18, 2009
The way I see it is that these kids athletic careers are relatively short. If academics are close and it is likely they would be happier in a more competitive softball program and the family can afford it (in the case of private school), choosing to go to a school based on athletics isn't really so outrageous. Once HS softball is over, that is it for a lot of kids.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Which do you think will have a more significant influence on your DD's life - stronger softball fundamentals or a stronger educational base?

Education. But if the educational base will be similar, then the experience of a really good high school softball program can have a significant influence on your life, too. You can get a good education at most high schools. You have to look harder to find a really good softball program. Talk to someone about a state championship they won in high school, and their eyes will usually light up.

I hope people don't misunderstand. My DD is in the 8th grade, and we're not shopping for a good softball program. She'll proudly play for the hometown team, for better or for worse. But if the choice were made easy - ie, we didn't have to move, we had the choice of 2-3 schools, all were good academically, and one had won six straight conference titles and the others were terrible - I'm sure DD would have to think about that.

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