Bottom of the roster

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May 11, 2014
most honest answer yet, not saying its right, but its the attitude of most coaches(all sports) i seen in my 48 yrs on this earth.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
My daughter's teams have always had small rosters (11 at the most, though usually 10), and everybody bats, and everyone shares roughly equal time in the field and on the bench. This is her sixth season of travel ball. She's 14. This is the best way to run travel teams at 14U and younger, IMHO. If the kids who play the game were forming teams, this is how they'd do it. But because adults form teams, they have other agendas.
Feb 7, 2013
Why are you just focused on the bottom half of the lineup like the top half of the lineup has a god given right to be there? My philosophy is ALL players are earning their playing time each and every week and the lineup and positions will change accordingly.

I also don't like the fact that you give equal playing time to all players. Some have worked their tail off to be a quality player and have earned the right to more playing time than those kids who don't put in the extra hitting, fielding, pitching, conditioning etc that some of the other kids are doing. Most good players are not that way just because of genetics or luck, they are working hard on their game.

Lastly, I firmly believe in the motto that "when you try to please everyone, you please no one". Give every kid an opportunity to succeed but that doesn't necessarily mean equal playing time.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
What someone ''deserves'' is highly subjective.

Let's assume a good attitude/effort. Once attitude/effort becomes a problem, then all bets are off.

Also, the effort a player puts in outside of my view is impossible to track accurately. So I can't reward what I don't see.

So what it really comes down to is the player's ability. What does a player with high ability deserve?

IMO - (1) the privilege of being on the team in the first place since those of lower ability often don't make it; (2) a higher spot in the batting order, which means more playing time since the leadoff hitter might bat 40 times more than the #10 hitter in a 50-game season; (3) a more favored position on defense.

That's plenty, IMO.

What does the 10th-best player deserve, assuming good effort/attitude? To bat somewhere. To play somewhere. The opportunity to improve, which can only be possible with playing time.
Jun 1, 2013
What someone ''deserves'' is highly subjective.

Let's assume a good attitude/effort. Once attitude/effort becomes a problem, then all bets are off.

Also, the effort a player puts in outside of my view is impossible to track accurately. So I can't reward what I don't see.

So what it really comes down to is the player's ability. What does a player with high ability deserve?

IMO - (1) the privilege of being on the team in the first place since those of lower ability often don't make it; (2) a higher spot in the batting order, which means more playing time since the leadoff hitter might bat 40 times more than the #10 hitter in a 50-game season; (3) a more favored position on defense.

That's plenty, IMO.

What does the 10th-best player deserve, assuming good effort/attitude? To bat somewhere. To play somewhere. The opportunity to improve, which can only be possible with playing time.

Couldn't disagree more. This is low level rec mentality imo. What does the most talented player deserve? A spot on the team? Sounds like that is exactly what the least talented player on your team got too. It should be very easy to see who works hard on their own out of your presence. No need to track it, they should be showing it in practice and games. Try playing the best 7 and subbing 8-11 with each other. The most talented kid on your team is getting the same playing time as the worst. Where is that gonna happen in real life. Someone made the comment about adults getting involved and messing up playing time yada yada yada. The problem is that little Sally's dad got involved and started preaching equal this and that because little Sally just wasn't a good enough player to earn a starting 9 spot. You will never make everyone happy at this game. The only thing you can do is be true to the game. Best 9 plays, if the players on the bench don't like it, they can get better and earn their spot. What does the weakest player on your team deserve? When did "team" sports become about individual playing time?
Jun 1, 2013
You work hard at practice and get better, you earn your way on the field. Pulling your best player so your worst can "practice" and have game time is wrong imo. There are 8 other girls out there that want to play and win. Is it fair to any of them that you just pulled your best player and made the team weaker for that game? I play all my girls in pool play and I bat the lineup, when tournaments start (bracket) I owe it to every player to put the team's best foot forward. Decisive win, or loss then we will get the others in.
May 11, 2014
something my wife said about team sports:
it prepares the youth for the adult world. it teaches youth, how to win, how to lose, how to work as a team, how to handle disappointment, how to handle stress.

if a coach is not using sports to prepare a player for the adult world, then that coach is doing that player a major disservice. it is not all about winning, the best "coaches" know this.

not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone
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Jun 7, 2013
One subject that I'd like to touch on. At some point in the season you are going to need the "bottom half" to win you a game. There are injuries, funerals, etc. that can cause one or more of your top players to be absent. You have to have them ready to go which means giving them playing time.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
There are 8 other girls out there that want to play and win. Is it fair to any of them that you just pulled your best player and made the team weaker for that game?

What do you mean by pulling your best player? I'm talking about players sitting out an inning at strategic times. My best player will be on the field and in the lineup any time the game is on the line.

I play all my girls in pool play and I bat the lineup, when tournaments start (bracket) I owe it to every player to put the team's best foot forward. Decisive win, or loss then we will get the others in.

No point in arguing this, and I understand that I'm in the minority here, but IMO, you owe it to your 10th and 11th best players to develop them to the point where they will valuable players in bracket play. If you can't do that, you made an error in inviting them on the team. In tryout ads, you hear coaches talk about how they teach the fundamentals, help players improve, develop their skills. Well, back it up by making every player on your roster bracket-worthy and play them.

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