barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Jun 8, 2016
Apologies for being an idiot, but why is one handed a bad thing? i just really dont know, thought the fungo was smaller so that it could be done one handed??
It isn't bad or wrong per se it is just that you typically won't see pro or college coaches hit them that way and I am (probably incorrectly) doing a bit of stereotyping ;) . That said, while I have never hit them that way, I would guess you would have a bit less control with 1 hand vs. 2, just like TTB right @Work=wins ? :LOL:
Jul 16, 2013

Early bat speed... When developing an acceleration curve there will be more acceleration at the beginning than later on. Check the difference in speed from the starting point to where the barrel is when it is parallel with the ground. Then compare that to speed at contact.

Bonesaw - sorry to hijack but your still did a great job of explaining what I have been saying a long time. I really appreciate guys like you and Shawn putting your swings out there. I'm experimenting with some things as well.
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Mar 11, 2010
Yep, front side dominant arm pull.
That drill where the hitter pulls the knob causes that parallel path.
Hands moving across the centerline instead of turning the barrel to the ball.
The delivery from the back hip is the fix.
Interestingly, bat wrap helps because the bat can get on plane really deep. Puts you in a better hand torque position, better leverage with more room to take advantage of it.

One needs to ttb to eliminate swinging down steep and across the ball if they are abaf.
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
It isn't bad or wrong per se it is just that you typically won't see pro or college coaches hit them that way and I am (probably incorrectly) doing a bit of stereotyping ;) . That said, while I have never hit them that way, I would guess you would have a bit less control with 1 hand vs. 2, just like TTB right @Work=wins ? :LOL:

reminds me of the time I was hitting fungos (2 handed)at a tourney last winter on some soggy muddy ground to OFers and couldn’t control my distances very well because the unstable ground so I hit a few errant shots over their heads and close to the other team.. Coach Murphy happened to be watching and comments ‘geez can they get some better fungo out here, someone is gonna get hurt.’ Thanks for reminding me of that day Pattar ! ?


Mar 11, 2010
Curious, those not understanding the swinging down to have ever tried it from a leveraged fyb hitting position ? I get the "swinging down" these guys show and speak of is an isolated hand/arm movement.

Bonds demo of adjustments that are made after getting into position.



We know James27503 tried it.....


I know its easier to snap the rear leg while ttb. (We know that pattern works(y))

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Jul 29, 2013
Yes I agree 100%. I appreciate your application of force posts.(perpendicular) I took some swings today and gained like 3 mph (on average) with much more realistic effort.(not swinging out of my shoes). And i liked the video much better.

Hard part at this point is teaching someone else I think.
It's like trying to open a door. You can push really hard near the hinge and it will open but pushing near the door knob is easier. Then apply the same force at the knob that you had to use at the hinge. The same effort will still feel easier because the door's gonna move easier. Efficiency of effort. When you do something the wrong way, its always harder and more frustrating. And trying hard the wrong way makes you more tired and you become wreckless. When you get it right, the extra effort is more smoothly applied and the results come. Then you can swing for the fences.
Jul 29, 2013
A member at a different site claims that the hands are/should be loose while reading the pitch. At swing launch the hands/forearms will tighten up, then loosen up and tighten back up going into contact.... he refers to this as “PULSE” it is basically very rapid contractions & the release of muscles in a particular body segment.

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Ever turn a torque wrench? Nothing really happens if you don't apply force...use your muscles. I'll have to try the loose hands, pulse, loose hands this weekend and see if getting those lug nuts off the car is any easier. :sneaky:
Jun 8, 2016
reminds me of the time I was hitting fungos (2 handed)at a tourney last winter on some soggy muddy ground to OFers and couldn’t control my distances very well because the unstable ground so I hit a few errant shots over their heads and close to the other team.. Coach Murphy happened to be watching and comments ‘geez can they get some better fungo out here, someone is gonna get hurt.’ Thanks for reminding me of that day Pattar ! ?
See if that was me I would have offered him the bat and asked if he wanted to hit them regardless of who he was..which is also why I cannot have nice things...
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Jul 29, 2013
Full motion

Physics is phun!
Try that Barry Bonds move where he shows how he's "gonna use his top hand to drop the barrel on the ball" before hand and then try a couple swings. He's using lots of torque early and his hands want to go rearward so he gets into his legs and pulls his front shoulder back hard to redirect the bat to the ball......shirt works!EKYownY.gif

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