barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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May 3, 2014
The transition from PPT to NPT is the directed relaxation of the lead oblique contraction. When Acuna's lead side starts to lengthen the relaxation of the lead side obliques has already occurred. His butt is getting loaded at the same time.



Mar 11, 2010
I would say he is a phenomenal athlete and not a swing to replicate. That being said, i get your comment. Is there a lot of successful swings that you think look similar to this?

Fanboi22, the movement pattern allows for sitting off-speed to be a natural progression. It also removes the concerns of the weight shifting from the rear leg across the pelvis to the front leg. So to answer your successful swings question ? Not all hitters exercise this movement pattern..



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May 3, 2014
I just think the overall sequence is much improved if you can use the obliques correctly. Sitting off speed is the cherry on top.

There is certainly a timing element built into a better sequence that helps hit all the zones better.

Seeing an off speed pitch allows for the lead lat to stretch even more so you can pound into the stands. Then you have eliminated that pitch from the pitchers arsenal lol. It's amazing how hitting one change up hard will alter a coach/catchers calling for the rest of the game...
May 12, 2016
I said everything is missing. Posture, swing plane, lower body, torso. I have no idea what the swing is trying to accomplish. I really don’t care either way.
That swing is trying to demo “down to” with All the high level components intact. The hitter was challenged to swing down to but maintain a HL sequence, posture etc. It was how the hitter perceived down to at the time. How do you think that swing looks when some of the missing components you mentioned, as well FYB are added back in?

Can you demo down to with all the major components of a HL swing still intact?
May 12, 2016
if hitters during their game swing are transitioning from PPT to APT NPT then chopping will feel like what they do. The difference is that they transition back to PPT to create power and the barrel gets turned back up.

Some guys drop more than others so you can see it better.

The move from PPT to APT NPT is what I think TDS is talking about when he says you get into both legs. The move back to PPT is the power move and maybe not something that really needs attention IMO. That's just part of the finish somewhat like bat extension after contact.

EDIT - I will modify a bit here and say that just transitioning out of PPT to neutral NPT is probably more than enough for many and it's not needed to go into APT. Then neutral to PPT is the power move. I am not advising to purposely create APT. I changed APT to NPT in the above post.
Somebody help me with the acronyms please ?
May 3, 2014
I am taking some liberties with the terms.

PPT - posterior pelvic tilt - tip the top of the pelvis back (extends lower back and that's not good lol)
NPT - neutral
APT - anterior pelvic tilt - tip the top of the pelvis forward (lower backs arches and that's not good lol)

What I mean by using PPT is shoving pressing the bottom of pelvis forward with the tops of your legs or trying to get your hips under you. Someone has said that the posture while riding a horse is this feeling. I never rode a horse so I don't know, but I had a hitter that rode horses and she picked this up pretty quickly.

NPT is releasing that PPT feeling.
Nov 16, 2017
That would mean that they are actually hitting down to or on the ball. I'm interpreting Bonds as starting his swing by swinging the barrel hard down and then planing. But I can see where they could get behind a rotated barrel and then chop chop.
Here's a slow pitch guy promoting what he calls "oversnap," or a tomahawk hand movement into contact.

This is exactly what I am been saying. From lag it is a chop chop. Don't discount the first part of the down to which is getting to the lag position.
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on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
If the force is constant then the acceleration is constant and the speed at half the swing is one half of the total speed. The acceleration is over time squared so the distance covered is greater exponentially over time.
So a lag position where the barrel isn't being accelerated rotationally can be costly in terms of where contact happens on the path to the ball. Meaning the lag and snap swing needs to start earlier than one that provides constant acceleration.


on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
if hitters during their game swing are transitioning from PPT to APT NPT then chopping will feel like what they do. The difference is that they transition back to PPT to create power and the barrel gets turned back up.

Some guys drop more than others so you can see it better.

The move from PPT to APT NPT is what I think TDS is talking about when he says you get into both legs. The move back to PPT is the power move and maybe not something that really needs attention IMO. That's just part of the finish somewhat like bat extension after contact.

EDIT - I will modify a bit here and say that just transitioning out of PPT to neutral NPT is probably more than enough for many and it's not needed to go into APT. Then neutral to PPT is the power move. I am not advising to purposely create APT. I changed APT to NPT in the above post.
Sorry i havent been around long enough, or maybe i just missed the definitions. Can you let me know what your acronyms are?

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