barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa

This is swinging down without cutting or sliding the hands forward like you see in James swing. You still have to answer, How short is too short? and then I’ll answer your question. ?

May 12, 2016

This is swinging down without cutting or sliding the hands forward like you see in James swing. You still have to answer, How short is too short? and then I’ll answer your question. ?

I've already answered your question.. not sure what else you are looking for?

....From previous post "I don't think I can give you a measurement, how am I supposed to quantify that :)? I can give you an example.. JD Martinez previous swing was too steep/short. Getting to a FYB position took care of that.. add in the improved posture and he's a superstar. "

Back to you.... What do you think is missing from that swing?
Jul 29, 2013
Nobody can say you are not thorough, :). No thoughts on the sequence or body positioning?
The slightly longer answer is, first recognize the necessary force vectors and then estimating the best way to apply the most force in those directions. After that, figuring how to get from one position to the next. There are millions of videos of pros doing it so there's a template.

I completely agree with the pros feel of chopping and I think they focus on it because they know how to move their bodies to maneuver the bat to the ball after the chop.
It's the same thing I told you about TTB as hard as you can and then maneuver your body to get the bat to the ball.
May 12, 2016
The slightly longer answer is, first recognize the necessary force vectors and then estimating the best way to apply the most force in those directions. After that, figuring how to get from one position to the next. There are millions of videos of pros doing it so there's a template.

I completely agree with the pros feel of chopping and I think they focus on it because they know how to move their bodies to maneuver the bat to the ball after the chop.
It's the same thing I told you about TTB as hard as you can and then maneuver your body to get the bat to the ball.
I'm not asking you teach me, I was just simply asking what was missing from the swing. I don't need to look at videos what the pros are doing in regard to sequence and body positioning.. I've been saying that all along. I was asking for your point of view :). It's ok, you don't have to answer, just wondering if you had any thoughts on it besides TTB, do whatever it takes, and figuring out how to get from one position to the next. If I was one of your students and asked you about what position I should be in before launch and how my body should be positioned through the swing in relation to pitch location.. what would you say to me? You are an instructor correct?
May 3, 2014
Since Latta was brought does what he says here....

...apply to what you're stating above? Also, does that sound like any of the drills I've talked about in the past...(pssst, 4x4 :giggle:)?

It does and it doesn't. I like the 4x4 drill. I think it's a great teach. But, I also think he is talking about a much different move with the upper body than I am. When you contract the lead side (obliques/lat/whatever else in there) your lead shoulder will move down and in. You can do the 4x4 drill much easier like this. Connects your upper to your rear leg.

His example of the way the upper body moves is not what I suggest.
May 3, 2014
I feel 50/50 on the move out but at toe touch a push back and a contributing upper body lean to push back to 60/40 ish. I like balanced out but swing and keep more power over back.
I feel very diagonal before I stride. My lead side is crunched (shoulder down and in) but I am grounded through the rear leg. When I stride I still want to feel over the plate but also feel my rear getting heavy. If I do this I cannot feel where I am at TT. But, video shows me a pretty good FyB position.
Apr 11, 2015
It does and it doesn't. I like the 4x4 drill. I think it's a great teach. But, I also think he is talking about a much different move with the upper body than I am. When you contract the lead side (obliques/lat/whatever else in there) your lead shoulder will move down and in. You can do the 4x4 drill much easier like this. Connects your upper to your rear leg.

His example of the way the upper body moves is not what I suggest.
Agreed, because he's saying that you don't want the upper body to lead by falling forward from the top (like a Domino).
Latta from the video said:
"Once I do this (shows falling forward from an upright position) it becomes a frontside move, and my frontside attacks the ball. I get a sense of rushing or falling to the ball...and once that comes down, I'm gonna come off plane....cuz there's no backside control, there's no backside swing...everything is being dragged forward. And the upper body is generally making the move. What I want to do in balance the whole backside..through so my posterior change can follow the contact point".

Here's another revolutionary new concept...

....that I've been teaching since 2003 (replace "pedestal" with "4x4"). ?
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