barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Jul 29, 2013
I disagree.
Me too. Once you know the right mechanics to swing fast and control the bat, all you do is more of the same. Work out more get stronger, swing harder. Max effort doesn't automatically mean loss of control. If you lose control at max effort, you're probably doing it wrong and need more practice.
Notice how tired they are at a home run derby. Max effort.


Mar 11, 2010
I understood him to be late into foot plant. Jose Bautista talked about the same thing.
The swing doesn't launch until foot plant and the ground force takes a beat to develop. Muscle spindles.... SSC. The slack gets taken out and the front leg drives the torso turn. Connection connection connection, force applied 90° to handle throughout the swing via circular hand path, bat torqued, barrel accelerated massively. Ball collision, touch em all.

Have you tried the Bonds drill that worked for Yelich ? What were your thoughts ?
Jun 8, 2016
Rest my case. LOL
Jul 29, 2013
max intent always leads to muscled longer swings. Always.
Is that you saying so or can you cite a study?
Certainly whatever the effort, if you do it wrong, the results don't come.
But what if it's done correctly with max effort?
Are you saying that it can't be done correctly with max effort/intent?
Are you sure?
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
Is that you saying so or can you cite a study?
Certainly whatever the effort, if you do it wrong, the results don't come.
But what if it's done correctly with max effort?
Are you saying that it can't be done correctly with max effort/intent?
Are you sure?

it can be done correctly with max intent. But over the duration there will be more bad then good. Every pro says this. Max intent doesn’t mean more speed or a shorter swing in time. To max something in anything means less control always. ‘Law of diminishing returns’ .. Barry and other are very precise and controlled with their swing work. Why would that change in the game?
Apr 20, 2018
Me too. Once you know the right mechanics to swing fast and control the bat, all you do is more of the same. Work out more get stronger, swing harder. Max effort doesn't automatically mean loss of control. If you lose control at max effort, you're probably doing it wrong and need more practice.
Notice how tired they are at a home run derby. Max effort.
Some guys have gone into a slump after competing in HR derby. Just saying.
Jul 16, 2013
it can be done correctly with max intent. But over the duration there will be more bad then good. Every pro says this. Max intent doesn’t mean more speed or a shorter swing in time. To max something in anything means less control always. ‘Law of diminishing returns’ .. Barry and other are very precise and controlled with their swing work. Why would that change in the game?

There are different thresholds. Muscling up is not a good thing, we agree on that. But let's hypothetically say that the highest amount of effort that a hitter can exert and still maintain control is 90% (just an arbitrary number). If the hitter then swings at 90%, isn't he then maxing out his efficiency? And if he is swinging at 80% he is inefficient? We both agree that 100% would result in a lack of control.

Sorry, we use labor standards in our facility. If someone is selecting at the level they should, they are reaching 100%. It is physically possible to exceed that, but it typically leads to back or shoulder injuries. None of us want that. But if they are below that threshold, they need to improve. Our goal is to get to that 100% without going over. Because of this, I tend to look at things through that spectrum. Swinging at max efficiency to me is 100%. Muscling up would be over 100%. Anything less than 100% would be inefficient to me. I guess it depends how you look at the numbers...
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
I had 5th row Laker tickets given to me. I watched Kobe play up close and personal 9-10 years ago. The man was so smooth, never rushed, always efficient and in control. It seemed like the guy wasn’t even playing hard. Needless to say he had 38. The best control their game and their environment. Baseball is no different. Ever changing environment where adjustments are made constantly.

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