barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Jun 8, 2016
every pro is a good fastball hitter.
Yeah because they know how to be explosive at launch... ;) Now in order for that
mindset to be successful you need to have the proper mechanics (along with some athletic ability) but I can pretty much guarantee no pro is thinking about holding back anything once they decide to swing.
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
Yeah because they know how to be explosive at launch... ;) Now in order for that
mindset to be successful you need to have the proper mechanics but I can pretty much guarantee
no pro is thinking about holding back anything once they decide to swing..

Looks like Barry is giving something up before he even decides to swing.
Jul 29, 2013
Have you watched the video ? Another nugget "I always thought I was on time but was late"

I understood him to be late into foot plant. Jose Bautista talked about the same thing.
The swing doesn't launch until foot plant and the ground force takes a beat to develop. Muscle spindles.... SSC. The slack gets taken out and the front leg drives the torso turn. Connection connection connection, force applied 90° to handle throughout the swing via circular hand path, bat torqued, barrel accelerated massively. Ball collision, touch em all.
Jul 29, 2013
Add my .02 cents in here. I always have been a big TTB guy, but have been sort won over by the pro model. Or most of the pros. Meaning I don't believe supination is a forced action but happens when the core and bottom hand pulls violently forward. The top hand acts as a sort of oar lock creating a direction for the barrel.

Bottom hand is knob direction. Top hand = barrel control / direction.

The big key is getting palm up. That is where the chop portion of the swing is. If you don't get palm up and your top hand is not on plane with the pitch you will not be able to put maximum force and direction into the ball. You are not going to be able to be direct to the ball. You will have loops or other control issues in the swing.

MLB players have to have maximum control over the bat. That is why the swinging axe chop or Samurai chop has to be part of the swing. This is proven to be so. You must be able to get your bat on path and not deviate from that path with maximum force.

This is what Donaldson was demoing in the studio. If Donaldson where to extend his wrist here into the ball his path would change dramatically and the bath would shoot straight up. Not what he does.

View attachment 17542

This is not what you actually see him do. He doesn't just turn into the ball he gets his palm up so he can chop into the ball.

View attachment 17543

See how the demo top his top hand is a V and below it is an L. In the top video his wrist can't fire.

The chopping action the pros demo starts when what Miggy says is palm up.

I have been working with a girl for years now who has the biggest loop in her swing. I have done everything I know to get her to stop losing the barrel. I noticed her wrist are naturally just all jacked up. Her dad does this a bit too. She couldn't swing an axe well if she wanted to. I since told him until we can get her hands \ wrist to work like this and get her palm up her swing will never be right.

View attachment 17544
Supination itself is a weak action. The wrist gets supinated as a hinge.
Josh can't supinate more, he's at max range of motion of the wrist.
Last edited:
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
I disagree.

wanna post some evidence? There’s too many for me to post. But I can give you a few quotes I’m sure you’ve heard.. ‘ I wasn’t trying to do too much’.. ‘I was trying to put a good swing on it’. ‘Good contact was/is my goal’ and Into infinity and beyond.

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