barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Oct 2, 2017
That's because it is taken out of context. They are not showing the entire swing. when you see Pujois standing there flat footed, with no leverage, no posture, not tilt etc and just moving his hands, do you believe he's displaying his full swing. It's an isolated movement. And that's where the deceiving movement of somebody displaying TTB while standing flat footed looks more natural. But that's entirely out of context.. thinking full swing when watching somebody TTB without all the other components is completely out context of the entire swing. That's where people get mislead
Usually when pro's are asked about how they swing they demonstrate the down to and say that's what they try and do. That's deceiving. Because it's never presented with an explanation of the rest.

Majority of the stuff Ive seen with ttb is usually taught in conjunction on how it is incorporated with the rest of the body.

Like I said though, Im glad you are confident in what you feel the swing is and hope it produces the results you are looking for
Jul 29, 2013
LOL.. ok let's ask our amateur hitters to hit the way pros hit without practice. However the pros feel it's necessary to practice/work on/perfect their swing each day in order to hit the way they hit. That's a fantastic approach coach.

In regard to the comments about your DD and the head coach. First of all why was the coach trying to change her swing in the first place if she was hitting so many HR's? I've never seen a coach do that before unless she was popping up the majority of the time. 2nd, the coach is obviously oblivious of what "down to" really means, you seem to have some trouble with the concept as well because you keep on saying "beating the ball into the ground". Maybe if the coach understood what down to really was he could of helped your DD turn the pop ups into line drives while hitting just as many HR's.
Reading comprehension..... she was hitting fly balls, not pop-ups. Pop-ups are the result of a down to swing pattern and the batter being early and under the ball. FYI She never hit pop-ups.... credit TTB and getting on plane early with a positive attack angle.
I didn't say beating the ball into the ground, ARod and Trout said they practice that to stay on top of the high pitch to avoid getting under the ball and hitting.......pop-ups!
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Jul 29, 2013
LOL.. ok let's ask our amateur hitters to hit the way pros hit without practice. However the pros feel it's necessary to practice/work on/perfect their swing each day in order to hit the way they hit. That's a fantastic approach coach.

In regard to the comments about your DD and the head coach. First of all why was the coach trying to change her swing in the first place if she was hitting so many HR's? I've never seen a coach do that before unless she was popping up the majority of the time. 2nd, the coach is obviously oblivious of what "down to" really means, you seem to have some trouble with the concept as well because you keep on saying "beating the ball into the ground". Maybe if the coach understood what down to really was he could of helped your DD turn the pop ups into line drives while hitting just as many HR's.
Hit the way the pros hit, practice movements that copy the pros game swing. Yes, it's a fantastic approach!
Jul 29, 2013
Not saying this is what happened here, and only N=1 sample size I know, but I've heard from a reliable source that OU's hitting coach tried to get Jocelyn Alo to change her swing after her freshmen year (the one where she tied the freshmen record for HR in a season) to the point where she ended up calling Lauren Chamberlain and telling her she had forgot how to hit (which may explain her sitting out a whole weekend in 2019 for a "mental break" ). Unfortunately some coaches don't know enough to leave a good thing alone sometimes... ?‍♂️
Was Alo hitting pop-ups? Lol!
Jul 29, 2013
Clemenslee, can you show me one high level hitter (We know AJ doesn't match) matching while attempting to ttb vs swing down to like all the players are talking about.

This doesn't match either.


Clemenslee, can you show me one high level hitter (We know AJ doesn't match) matching while attempting to ttb vs swing down to like all the players are talking about.

This doesn't match either.

Jul 29, 2013
You stated "The pros focus on the hands being direct. ". I'm asking, do those who hold to TTB, do they also believe and try to be direct to the ball as well? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you imply that if you are thinking TTB then you are not trying to be direct to the ball.
TTB isn't direct to the ball A to B swing. TTB gets the bat into the pitch path first moving the barrel rearward, turning it into the path of the pitch merging into the path at the catcher's mitt.
Jul 29, 2013
Mig talked about getting the bat on plane as quickly as possible when he did this demonstration. Do this move at full speed, with a wood bat, and you get the barrel turning rearward behind the shoulder and then arcing into the swing plane, transitioning from forearm axle to palm-up/palm-down. One of the problems with slo-mo demos is that the rotational forces of a heavy bat being swung at full speed change things dramatically.
Not just rotational forces but momentum. If the hands pull the bat via the knob and in a parallel direction, the barrel follows in a straight line.
If the handle is torqued around an axis, it will continue in the rotational plane due to angular momentum.
Jul 29, 2013
Yea we all know the barrel gets turned but none of these guys are forcing the action.. The hands need to be free based on what the pitch calls for... None of them are supinating the rear forearm as an action.


Correct,very few of their practice swings TTB. They don't supinate the rear forearm in their practice swings either.
But the motion they practice is forced.
Alternatively, the young lady is merely putting the bat into the position and rotating her core and the centrifugal force rotates the barrel around her hand. Efficient transfer of rotational energy.
Jul 29, 2013
Good post.....
I've posted this a couple of days ago ish.....told DD too keep her hands above the ball as long as possible.
Definitely keep her hands above the ball, and let the barrel get below her hands as is rotates around them. If her hands get to the level of the ball, the barrel will go beneath them as soon as her hands stop descending and she'll be under the ball.
This is why the pros attempt to hit down. By keeping the barrel above their hands and continuing their downward (pulling the knob) hand path, the barrel doesn't get under the ball. But the attack angle is negative (across the path of the pitch) creating timing issues and making it difficult to square up the pitch. Hard ground balls, low line drives, foul balls hit straight back, opposite field flares, and pop ups are routine results of the down to method. It requires perfection for the occasional hit and homeruns are rare "mistakes."
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Mar 11, 2010
Reading comprehension..... she was hitting fly balls, not pop-ups. Pop-ups are the result of a down to swing pattern and the batter being early and under the ball. FYI She never hit pop-ups.... credit TTB and getting on plane early with a positive attack angle.
I didn't say beating the ball into the ground, ARod and Trout said they practice that to stay on top of the high pitch to avoid getting under the ball and hitting.......pop-ups!

Arod, down to from a leveraged fyb hitting position..


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