barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Mar 11, 2010
Correct,very few of their practice swings TTB. They don't supinate the rear forearm in their practice swings either.
But the motion they practice is forced.
Alternatively, the young lady is merely putting the bat into the position and rotating her core and the centrifugal force rotates the barrel around her hand. Efficient transfer of rotational energy.

The only thing the pros avoid on purpose is supination of the rear forearm on practice and game swings.. Forced supination voids trying to hit the top of the ball they all speak of. Try viewing the barrel movement as it changes direction instead of attempting to turn it.

Also notice during the change in barrel direction the hands become free to get into position to whip the barrel based on what the pitch calls for.


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Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
Trout killed Felix Hernandez over his career. Why?, because Felix always pitched down at the knees. Trout’s swing has good tilt and his happy zone is at the knees. Trout’s happy zone isn’t up.
Jul 29, 2013
Trout killed Felix Hernandez over his career. Why?, because Felix always pitched down at the knees. Trout’s swing has good tilt and his happy zone is at the knees. Trout’s happy zone isn’t up.
That'd be because he likes to swing Dowwwwnnnnn!
May 12, 2016
Usually when pro's are asked about how they swing they demonstrate the down to and say that's what they try and do. That's deceiving. Because it's never presented with an explanation of the rest.

Majority of the stuff Ive seen with ttb is usually taught in conjunction on how it is incorporated with the rest of the body.

Like I said though, Im glad you are confident in what you feel the swing is and hope it produces the results you are looking for
Clem, It's not what I say or do, It's what the best in the world say and do, and the results speak for them self.
Apr 20, 2018
Not saying this is what happened here, and only N=1 sample size I know, but I've heard from a reliable source that OU's hitting coach tried to get Jocelyn Alo to change her swing after her freshmen year (the one where she tied the freshmen record for HR in a season) to the point where she ended up calling Lauren Chamberlain and telling her she had forgot how to hit (which may explain her sitting out a whole weekend in 2019 for a "mental break" ). Unfortunately some coaches don't know enough to leave a good thing alone sometimes... ?‍♂️
Just watch a FB Q and A with Hitting Vault guy. I liked somethings he had to say. Rule number 1 - Don't fix a 400 hitter into a 200 hitter.
Jun 8, 2016
Just watch a FB Q and A with Hitting Vault guy. I liked somethings he had to say. Rule number 1 - Don't fix a 400 hitter into a 200 hitter.
In particular if that person is hitting "0.400" at the highest level in their respective sport.
Jun 27, 2018
Just watch a FB Q and A with Hitting Vault guy. I liked somethings he had to say. Rule number 1 - Don't fix a 400 hitter into a 200 hitter.

This literally happened to my daughter. She was learning TTB, launch angle, whatever you want to call it. She landed on a team where the coach hated her swing. He started belittling her in front of team mates and eventually pulled her out of the hitting line up all together. Instead of working with what her hitting instructor was teaching, he totally shut her down mentally and mechanically. Thankful she ended up on a higher level team. The HC doesn’t fully agree with it (he’s really old school and honestly, up there in age so I’m not surprised). But he is leaving her alone for the most part because she was hitting bombs. I say “was” because like everyone else we are shut down

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Apr 20, 2018
This literally happened to my daughter. She was learning TTB, launch angle, whatever you want to call it. She landed on a team where the coach hated her swing. He started belittling her in front of team mates and eventually pulled her out of the hitting line up all together. Instead of working with what her hitting instructor was teaching, he totally shut her down mentally and mechanically. Thankful she ended up on a higher level team. The HC doesn’t fully agree with it (he’s really old school and honestly, up there in age so I’m not surprised). But he is leaving her alone for the most part because she was hitting bombs. I say “was” because like everyone else we are shut down

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Sorry to hear this happened. Recently had a part time AC (throws a good BP) tell my DD, "don't start your load until you see the ball leave my hand."
Thank God was too focused on hitting and didn't pay any attention to her. I ask DD after practice if she heard her what AC was saying. She said, "I don't remember." Perfect. Carry on.
Jul 16, 2013
DD was at a college camp before she committed. Assistant coach was throwing BP and mentioned a "fix" to her. She nodded her head and continued on. Very next swing she didn't change a thing, but the coach jumped and shouted "See, I told you that would work better". DD could not wait to tell me about it when we got in the car.