Asa 2015 rule and code changes

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Feb 3, 2011
I'm most interested in this particular change. Are you saying that there would be a B and C division in B leagues? The select teams would not be subject to the draft? I have heard something to that effect, but several rumors abound.

I'm not on the ground level of this whole conversation anymore, but based on my limited understanding of what's in place and what they're hoping to achieve, your assumption is correct. They want to ease the advanced rec players into TB without having them leave the rec leagues altogether. Individual leagues will be able to administrate their "B" programs however they wish, but once players make the select team for the league, then that's the team they'll play on in spring.

Suffice it to say, it's likely to be a clusterpoop during the 1st year, but may improve in the years to come. It's likely the medium and large leagues will benefit most from this.
Feb 3, 2011
Wouldn't that prevent an even distribution of talent within the Rec season?
Not really. For the sake of argument, let's assume that the 12 most talented players all want to be on the select team. They won't play teams from their same rec league that were formed by draft or blind draft. They'll play against the select teams from other nearby leagues. The remaining talent should still be distributed evenly, there will just be fewer of those advanced players to go around.

I think one of the holes in this plan is in regard to those kids who don't make the select team and the parents feel they should've. While a goal of this change is to "keep players in rec", a lot of those players who don't make the select team are going right into TB and won't come back. In CA, we already see it all the time with the All-star teams.
Mar 23, 2014
I see a lot of players switch leagues or leave altogether based on what you're saying. It also becomes a problem when someone is a new comer with a lot of talent or a late bloomer. By the time they are recognized for select its too late.
I could see it working to keep TB players but the flip side is a league with more than normal politics.

For example, in our league there are a few "advanced" players but not a teams worth. That's if you are being objective. There are some players good enough to field a competitive team without the advanced players. Those players have gotten good because of the extra time they've gotten to play. Spring/all stars/tournament/fall. If your not "in" the opportunities are not available.Thus, I've seen several players leave to join nearby leagues. Most reach 14u then never play again.
Don't get me wrong ...... Every league has politics and parents who think their kids is a star. But, when looked at objectively, there will be gaps that some players will fall through. Maybe that becomes an inspiration for them, however, it will be the rare child/parent to make it so.
This should be interesting....... I'd love to hear the approach for selecting an all stars team with this proposed change.
Jan 22, 2011
This is a region 14 change for the 'B' program. From information Nor Cal ASA sent out, leagues can choose to form select teams to play the select teams of other leagues as a 'B' program. The 'All Star' program will be the 'C' level, which will be formed on or after May 1st from the rest of the league.
Mar 26, 2013
This is a region 14 change for the 'B' program. From information Nor Cal ASA sent out, leagues can choose to form select teams to play the select teams of other leagues as a 'B' program. The 'All Star' program will be the 'C' level, which will be formed on or after May 1st from the rest of the league.
A couple of interesting things within the rules for the B (select) and C All-Star programs.

1. "All players must live in the approved boundaries of the Recreational League." This could stop players from switching leagues.

2. The restrictions on outside play are quite different between B and C.
- B: "Any player that participates with any other team outside of their recreational league or B team during the rec league season forfeits their eligibility."
- C: "Any player that participates with any other team outside of the recreational league after May 31st forfeits their eligibility for All-Stars."
Feb 3, 2011
Right, it's not mandatory that these select teams be formed at all. As for players switching leagues, they're probably still going to do it. They will just not be all-star eligible, which is no big deal to the upper-level players anyway. Being honest, no one ever cares if weaker players are moved by their parents to neighboring leagues.

C: "Any player that participates with any other team outside of the recreational league after May 31st forfeits their eligibility for All-Stars."

From the way this reads, a travel player could play spring rec and be with their TB until the end of may, quit the travel team, then join the All-star team in a "C" league for the summer.

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