how to fix timing too early on a player who's bat speed has increased a lot

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Mar 8, 2017
So during the summer, my daughter (16yo) focused a lot of getting stronger because she feels she wants to make a push to make a d1 program. This was her choice, not mine, but I supported her and helped her on this.

Since April, she's gone from a 116 pound contact hitter, to about 136 pounds and is now consistently hitting jacks during her practices (previously, she never did). On her blast sensor, she would hit about 54 mph tops last year(average about 50), this year she's consistently in the 60's, and hit 64mph bat speed a few weeks ago, we'll just say that her swing has gotten a lot faster. This hasn't been a good thing for her.

In practice, she's easily the best hitter on her team, both high school and her travel team. On machine and and soft toss, she rakes, and against faster pitching she's pretty good, but in live games against pitchers throwing sub 55 mph, she's struggling bad. Every swing either too early, or off the end of the bat. We do the thing of telling her to let it travel, try to hit to left field (she's a lefty), all that, but mentally, she's still timing the pitcher as if she's swinging 50 mph bat speed instead of 60 mph and it's definitely making a difference in her performance.

We're not in panic mode because we know that when she does get her timing down, she's going to do pretty well, but the adjustment is frustrating for her. Any tips from parents/coaches who've been through this process?
Dec 2, 2013
For DD and other kids I coached through the years what seemed to work was keep it simple. It's obviously a timing thing and many kids come back to the dugout whining that the pitcher is too slow!!!

Get the front down to establish the her legs and then turn on it. Slow...FAST! Instead and trying to do her normal swing in one motion, make it two parts. Almost like getting fooled with a change up, if that paints a picture. But ya gotta work on it. First on a tee, then try it with front toss specifically working on this. She'll get it!
Mar 8, 2017
you can work in the 3 plate drill

great idea, thank you!
Get the front down to establish the her legs and then turn on it. Slow...FAST! Instead and trying to do her normal swing in one motion, make it two parts. Almost like getting fooled with a change up, if that paints a picture. But ya gotta work on it. First on a tee, then try it with front toss specifically working on this. She'll get it!
Slow lower to fast it!
Oct 26, 2019
I sit in the outfield, so nothing good, but this weekend, I'll film some better angles and post (assuming she's still real early).
Some kids are early because their load doesn’t allow for any timing mechanism. I would swing the pendulum the other way and in practice have her be late on purpose. Hard to be on time intentionally if you can’t be late intentionally.
Aug 20, 2017
2 things have helped DD with this:
- Continuously Load: like don’t stop loading until you have to swing
- Keep head down as long as possible: helper her with the feel of letting ball get deeper
Jun 20, 2015
have her do what I call "slow load". Rather than load and wait, in which case her brain will start playing tricks and she'll be early. If she delays her load, the pause and mental delay should help with timing.

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