Advice to New pitching parent

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May 20, 2015
I've typed this response here a few times now; I am not a great pitching coach mechanics wise, at all.......but one of the things i've been able to do is a lot of between the ears work

tell her to focus on developing a routine......take the ball back from the catcher.......stand two steps behind the rubber......take the sign......exhale, step with your left then your right onto the rubber, simulate sign, rotate ball in hand to the grip you want, inhale and exhale half a breath, deliver the pitch........obviously just one half-assed example of a possible routine, but tell her top develop one, right down to a silly finite level

the key to a routine is they do it EVERY pitch, same way every time.......when they don't get a call, someone makes an error, the batter gets a hit, the other team scores.......she has that routine to fall back matter what, take a deep breath, focus on the routine......the routine will become calming, something to fall back on

3-2 count, 2 out, up by one? focus on that situation, it gets in your head.....focus on the routine, and all you focus on is the routine (in a perfect world)

it is simple advice, and sounds silly......but i can't tell you how many pitchers i've asked how they like their breath when they start their motion, and they have no clue........for a pitcher, routine is their friend

i had one girl sometimes back in 10 & 12u i'd make stand in the back of the circle, before she started her routine, and i'd tell her to do a "wiggle" - she give her whole body a quick shake, like she's clearing her head, only helped her throw out whatever bad was happening, and brought her focus back to her forward to 2023, and we're in the state final, up 1, last inning......she looked a little flustered, i yelled from the dugout for a wiggle......she did it, she smiled, and had about a 5 pitch inning, setting them down in order for the first time that day, and we won a state championship 2-1.......she plays in college now, and i guarantee if i ever see her pitch, i could call for it from the stands, she'd laugh and find her focus