Worst kid on tem

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May 7, 2008
Hi! She really needs to put in additional time at home. 5 days out of 7 and it doesn't have to be an hour. I keep saying I am going to blog about how non athletic parents can help.

I threw low fly balls to my kids, every morning as they waited for the school bus. I dubbed it Hot Foot. They stand about 10 feet from me and I toss a ball to one side. They move to catch it and toss it back. Then, I toss it low, high, short - etc. If you have a net or something she can throw at, she can catch and then, throw to that object.

She can stand and toss a ball against the garage door or whatever. She can stand and throw a ball in the air and catch it.

If you and/or your wife can help a little you could make it fun and join in. She doesn't even have to realize that she practiced. Last night I had a girl throw at the volleyball sitting on the batting tee. She loved it so much, I couldn't get her to stop.

Does she need help on overhand throw? (Most do.) See Wassermanstrength.com for good ideas. You have come to the right place for help. We all started somewhere.
Apr 25, 2010
At tryouts last August, DH picked up a "project" type player. Way behind, skills wise, but she was fast and athletic with a great attitude. Clearly our weakest player. Fast forward to now, the improvement has been remarkable! She went from going 0-fer to batting in the high200's. She is well on her way to being a lights out outfielder and a pretty good shortstop. She is an outstanding base runner...crazy fast, aggressive, and smart. She worked hard to reinforce what she was being taught. She drags dad out every day to throw with her, give her grounders, flies, and liners, and she hits 100 balls every night off the tee. Her dad told me this past weekend that she does it because my husband believed in her and she will not let him down. That kid is a keeper. Just believe in your daughter and go play catch every day. Repetition breeds confidence. Team practice is good, but they can't give her the individual time that you can.
Jun 10, 2014
At tryouts last August, DH picked up a "project" type player. Way behind, skills wise, but she was fast and athletic with a great attitude. Clearly our weakest player. Fast forward to now, the improvement has been remarkable! She went from going 0-fer to batting in the high200's. She is well on her way to being a lights out outfielder and a pretty good shortstop. She is an outstanding base runner...crazy fast, aggressive, and smart. She worked hard to reinforce what she was being taught. She drags dad out every day to throw with her, give her grounders, flies, and liners, and she hits 100 balls every night off the tee. Her dad told me this past weekend that she does it because my husband believed in her and she will not let him down. That kid is a keeper. Just believe in your daughter and go play catch every day. Repetition breeds confidence. Team practice is good, but they can't give her the individual time that you can.

Here's the tricky part. She doesn't have a huge interest in practicing at home. We ask. She's says tired, no. Etc. We ask her if her practices are fun. Says yes, gets out of bed no problem for the 9:00 Saturday practice…not easy for a teenager in school. Doing 6 hours of practice a week right now, no complaints. But, the minute she walks in the door, she's pretty much done.
Jun 10, 2014
Sounds like she is there for the social aspect.

That's what we are trying to figure out. Seems like she has fun batting the ball around in rec league and gets certain confidence from being decent at 12u. So, if she is not performing at 14u All Star, looking a bit spacey out there, etc. Do we just call it a day with this team, perhaps for their sake. Maybe we have her play again, perhaps get her some lessons and maybe she will just either get into it or wander off into something else. I know some girls are really into it, but I think there are still a handful at this level that just do it for fun.
Aug 29, 2011
Here's the tricky part. She doesn't have a huge interest in practicing at home. We ask. She's says tired, no. Etc. We ask her if her practices are fun. Says yes, gets out of bed no problem for the 9:00 Saturday practice…not easy for a teenager in school. Doing 6 hours of practice a week right now, no complaints. But, the minute she walks in the door, she's pretty much done.

I've been where you are. If your DD wants to put the time in at home, she will succeed and this will be a great year for her as younger player on a 14u team getting experience, but if she's not willing to put in the extra time even with you offering then she's likely destined for Rec status only in the future. For what is worth my older one was like this and she decided she just liked the social aspect and the low key rec environment. That's enough for her and she's happy with it so, so am I.

I think you just need to find out where your DD wants to go with SB.
Apr 14, 2014
Kansas City
If she loves to play, I agree with other posters here, that you should let her play out the season. If she gets to the point where she isn't having fun any more then you and your daughter have to make a decision.

Two questions to address; Is she not having fun because she isn't able to compete and isn't developing at the rate that other girls are? Or is she willing to do what needs to be done to get better? If she loves the game there will be a team for her either way, the decision has to be whether it will be a rec team or comp team.

Don't base the decision on how you think she should be playing. To me it sounds like she is playing because she loves what the game gives her.

It will work out.
Jun 10, 2014
If she loves to play, I agree with other posters here, that you should let her play out the season. If she gets to the point where she isn't having fun any more then you and your daughter have to make a decision.

Two questions to address; Is she not having fun because she isn't able to compete and isn't developing at the rate that other girls are? Or is she willing to do what needs to be done to get better? If she loves the game there will be a team for her either way, the decision has to be whether it will be a rec team or comp team.

Don't base the decision on how you think she should be playing. To me it sounds like she is playing because she loves what the game gives her.

It will work out.

Thank you!
May 7, 2008
I don't know if this will help or not, but I compare it to practicing piano or whatever instrument. It has to be practically every day. It doesn't take a lot of time.

Can you bribe her?

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