Why all the angst?

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Sep 30, 2013
As you ribbon cut my responses, you left out the important one:

If you need to speak with me privately about your DD, I am happy to dicuss any or all things related to you DD, not stats as it relates to game stratagies.

I thought I had copied every word you wrote in that post. I think you’re referring to a different post you made. I think its this one, but I never commented on it that I remember. But even in it, there’s nothing I see about strategies. FWIW, I don’t disagree that how strategies are developed is not the business of anyone not on the team.

Stats are a tool in the coaching toolbox, not for public consumtion or scrutany. I would never share stat information with any parent, unless the player and parent came to me and asked, and never will I give comparison stats to any player or parent of another player.
Play the game to the best of your ability, always work to get better everyday, have fun and the number will take care of theselves.
Oct 22, 2009
So why would it be so wrong to use stats to support your position?

One thing I don't like to do is discuss another player with a parent. Some of the more objective stats, like strikeouts, are pretty easy discuss, but hits, OBP, slugging percentage, RBIs are not necessarily objective, and at 12U and 14U I don't really spend a lot of time worrying about. When you discuss one players stats, you necessarily need to make a comparison with other players in order to support your position. I try to avoid that situation as I don't think it is constructive.
Jan 22, 2009
South Jersey
No argument with your logic, but it shows why many coaches give so much weight to QAB’s.

But tell me something. When you say In a late game RBI situation you want the girl with the better chance of a hard hit somewhere green, are you talking about choosing a pinch hitter? I’m assuming you are because once the order’s set, you can’t move players around depending on the situation.

I love QAB as a stat. My point about late game is as far as hopefully getting your top of order that extra at bat in a game. Doesn't always work of course.
Jan 22, 2009
South Jersey
This post made me smile. As anyone who has played teams from South Jersey (or the entire state) would know, most of the parents there are not objective when it comes to the softball fortunes of their own kid. Not everyone watching knows who the best kids on the team are!

Yup, sounds like you know us!
Jul 16, 2013
I am a big fan of using stats as a tool, but I am careful which stats I use. QAB is one of my favorites. And I make it a point that the players know it. If there is a runner on third with no outs and the batter hits a soft grounder to second base, we should score a run. It doesnt show as a hit in the stats but I am a happy coach. For pitchers I like using a combination of walks and hard hit BIP. Even the best pitchers will give up some bloops once in a while. But if my pitcher gives up three consecutive deep fly ball outs I am warming up another pitcher.

To date I have never had an issue with parents concerning stats. Some will ask for their DDs and I share but I do not share those of others players. If challenged I would be glad to explain my stance and I would use the stats as a tool but not as the bible. This has never happened to me so it is hypothetical in my case .

I do agree with sluggers concerning playing time. We have four or five girls that play most of the time. The rest are relatively equal with some variation. The stats may play into it a little but we use other things to make our decisions. If the coaching staff is having trouble agreeing, certain stats may be used as a tie breaker.
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Sep 30, 2013
One thing I don't like to do is discuss another player with a parent. Some of the more objective stats, like strikeouts, are pretty easy discuss, but hits, OBP, slugging percentage, RBIs are not necessarily objective, and at 12U and 14U I don't really spend a lot of time worrying about.

Well, I suppose take to the limit of what “discussing” means, you can certainly see showing Jill’s dad Amy’s stats in comparison could be taken that way.

I agree that stats generated from someone’s subjective call shouldn’t be used in their “pure” form. FI, BA = H / AB. But that’s why I do a lot of things like computing an RBA(Reached Base Average). RBA = (Hits+Walks+HBP+ROE+ROFC+CI) / PA.

That way there’s absolutely no possible scorer input other than to record the event.

I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about RBIs at any level below MLB. ;)

When you discuss one players stats, you necessarily need to make a comparison with other players in order to support your position. I try to avoid that situation as I don't think it is constructive.

I understand your reluctance to compare players with parents, but if you say something like “I’m going to bat the best hitter on the team 3rd”, you darn sure better explain how you’re going to determine the best hitter, then be ready to show proof. I’m sure there are coaches out there who have people bamboozled into believing they’re some kind of omnipotent being who can do no wrong and who’s word is law, but they’re a dying breed.

To me the problem with discussing stats is that so many try to use only one stat, like OBP or ERA to justify their thoughts. That’s ok, but even novice parents now understand that there’s much more to the stats than only one or two things.

I disagree somewhat with it not being constructive. I see anytime there’s an education process going on, its constructive.
Sep 30, 2013
I love QAB as a stat.

Love it as a stat. Hate it when its used as a replacement for a stat like OPS. To me QABs have several faults, the main one being they often reward failure. I don’t mind doing things to help players realize there are many forms of success, but they should never be confused with the measurement of performance.

My point about late game is as far as hopefully getting your top of order that extra at bat in a game. Doesn't always work of course.

I always take wanting to roll over the lineup as a given, late game or not. ;)
Sep 30, 2013
I am a big fan of using stats as a tool, but I am careful which stats I use. QAB is one of my favorites. And I make it a point that the players know it. If there is a runner on third with no outs and the batter hits a soft grounder to second base, we should score a run. It doesnt show as a hit in the stats but I am a happy coach. For pitchers I like using a combination of walks and hard hit BIP. Even the best pitchers will give up some bloops once in a while. But if my pitcher gives up three consecutive deep fly ball outs I am warming up another pitcher.

Here’s a good example of why I cringe when someone places a lot of weight on QABs. In the example you gave, the batter gets a positive credit, but if that same batter rips a hard grounder to 2nd and the run doesn’t score, the batter doesn’t get squat.

Don’t get me wrong, anything that helps coaches is fine with me as long as its applied equally, but that example bothers me.

To date I have never had an issue with parents concerning stats. Some will ask for their DDs and I share but I do not share those of others players. If challenged I would be glad to explain my stance and I would use the stats as a tool but not as the bible. This has never happened to me so it is hypothetical in my case .

I honestly think that problems with parents about stats are very much overblown.

As for sharing stats, I’ve been the SK/Statistician for HS teams going on 15 seasons now. I’ve always made the stats available to the coaches, players, and parents each and every season, and while I’ve had questions, there’s never been what I’d categorize as a problem with anyone.

I do agree with sluggers concerning playing time. We have four or five girls that play most of the time. The rest are relatively equal with some variation. The stats may play into it a little but we use other things to make our decisions. If the coaching staff is having trouble agreeing, certain stats may be used as a tie breaker.

PT is something very difficult to compare from team to team because situations change. Its one thing for a venue that has mandatory PT, and something different for Travel or HS ball. Even in TB it could be differ too. FI, if a coach says he guarantees your DD is gonna get PT, then takes your $$$$, he dang sure better give her PT and be able to show her PT compared to the other players.
Jan 22, 2009
South Jersey
Love it as a stat. Hate it when its used as a replacement for a stat like OPS. To me QABs have several faults, the main one being they often reward failure. I don’t mind doing things to help players realize there are many forms of success, but they should never be confused with the measurement of performance.

If you were putting together a batting order based on OPS how would you do it. Straight down the line highest to lowest? Curious to try to use it more as a tool. Does it punish single hitters unfairly?
Jul 16, 2013
Here’s a good example of why I cringe when someone places a lot of weight on QABs. In the example you gave, the batter gets a positive credit, but if that same batter rips a hard grounder to 2nd and the run doesn’t score, the batter doesn’t get squat.

Don’t get me wrong, anything that helps coaches is fine with me as long as its applied equally, but that example bothers me. .

Honestly, in your example, I would still give the hitter a QAB - maybe my definition of a QAB is a little different than yours. If she hits the ball hard, I am happy. Sometimes that hard hit will find a hole. Sometimes it will be hit straight at someone. However, with a runner on third and less than two outs, I would much prefer seeing a soft grounder to second base (or hard hit grounder in your example), then someone getting a called third strike. Again, I am sure this changes based on age and experience. I consider 12u and 14u to be instructional. Being a statistics major in college, I fully understand that stats can be very cold at times. I try to soften them a bit by attempting to find positives where I can.

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