When Coaches Collide.... Oops...Merge teams

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Dec 13, 2019
"Heard your team merged with another team....
Hows that working out?"

When HEAD coaches think this is a good idea...
*Can there be multiple head coaches?
(are you laughing yet, this is a serious question ;) )

*Should THEY be making this decision for everybody?

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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
I appreciate when 2 coaches with 6-7 kids each can put their egos aside and create one team instead of 'holding out' in the hopes someone blinks and folds their team. That doesn't happen often enough.

I do not appreciate when 2 coaches with strong full teams suddenly take the best 5-7 players from both teams, make one super team and dump the bottom halves of their roster. That happens too often.

Whether the coaches can co-exist and interact really depends on the coaches. It is about 50/50 in my experience if it works and most of the time you can know if it is a good idea or a bad idea when it happens based on how the coaches are. I do know that 'co-head coaches' is almost always a bad idea - someone has to be the clear final decision maker.
May 6, 2015
another issue is which ACs get the boot. unless one or both teams were severely understaffed, if some ACs dont go, gonna have too many cooks in the kitchen

of course I always thought if managed correctly, a staff of 5 or so could be ideal on younger teams (during games, one can focus on battery, one on MI, one on corners, and one on OF during defense say, during practice lots of stations to run).


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Should your coach be making that decision for your dd/family?

If your team merges into other team
Have to purchase new uniforms.
Then everybody...
Has to see if your going to like other coaches or not.
May not know talent level or positions other teams player play.
What coach in charge, are both?
Who does what now?
Where is practice now?
Due's change?
Lots of questions with merge teams scenario!

Hmmm? Not certain i would just let our coach make that decision for dd/family.
Seems its time to take a look see befor making a new commitment.

Seems more like an evaluation situation.
Like tryouts...see if like or not.
Can go where WE dd/family think is best fit.
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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Should the your coach be making that decision for your dd/family

A good head coach is a benevolent dictator and makes decisions based on what is best for the team. You maybe and should inform, consult or take advice from others already in place but in the end it has to be your decision to make.

What decision an individual family makes hs up to them. If you are merging to create a better situation it is hopefully an easier decision. If you are creating the super team merger the 'in-crowd' will already be aware it is happening so the people who will be unhappy dont have a spot anyway.

Also if you only have 6 or 7 and merge you didn't really have a team in thr first place. For the most part you should be relieved there is now enough players to play.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
A good head coach is a benevolent dictator and makes decisions based on what is best for the team. You maybe and should inform, consult or take advice from others already in place but in the end it has to be your decision to make.

What decision an individual family makes hs up to them. If you are merging to create a better situation it is hopefully an easier decision. If you are creating the super team merger the 'in-crowd' will already be aware it is happening so the people who will be unhappy dont have a spot anyway.

Also if you only have 6 or 7 and merge you didn't really have a team in thr first place. For the most part you should be relieved there is now enough players to play.
Nice Marriard well said, direct!
"Benevolent Dictator" had to stop and laugh befor reading further!!! Those two words together!!! ?

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