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Oct 10, 2011
DD's best friend and team mate were being "too competitive" at practices and being a bit nasty as posted in another thread. Well, that has disappeared and they are great... or so I thought. They both wanted the same position and my DD got it and has been doing really well. I just found out that her friend is now bringing another older girl to the team for a try out. Guess what, she plays the same position and we hear is very good. I casually asked the parent and she said "we thought it would be good to give your daughter a break from time to time." I'm all for making the team better, but this seems fishy to me.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
DD's best friend and team mate were being "too competitive" at practices and being a bit nasty as posted in another thread. Well, that has disappeared and they are great... or so I thought. They both wanted the same position and my DD got it and has been doing really well. I just found out that her friend is now bringing another older girl to the team for a try out. Guess what, she plays the same position and we hear is very good. I casually asked the parent and she said "we thought it would be good to give your daughter a break from time to time." I'm all for making the team better, but this seems fishy to me.

Think they want to give your DD along break.
Jun 1, 2013
IMO, you are letting dad get in the way of "coach". You have a player wanting to join the team that is better than at least two of your current players and you question it? Competition breeds excellence, if she wins the position, it should be hers regardless of where your dd plays. If your dd want that position bad enough she will work harder to earn it.
Oct 10, 2011

It's true...she might not take the position either. I don't know if DD could work much harder though. Coach hasn't said anything to us about it yet. He did say shes one of the hardest workers hes seen.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Your DD, my DD, and everyone's DD will have to compete everyday of their lives. Competition on the field, at school and work ect... I say bring it on. I say welcome it. I say it will prepare our DD's for today tomorrow and the future.
Last edited:
Oct 10, 2011

Good posts...need to hear it sometimes:) She wants to start boxing like her old man used too...that will be even more competitive!
Jan 27, 2010
There will always be someone better. Figure every kid that comes to HS or college will be looking to replace someone. The Varsity catcher at the school DD will be attending in the fall is probably looking over her shoulder after DD and I went to watch a game and a few of the girls on the team started with the, "we can't wait till you're here". What can you do but work harder or smarter.
Jun 1, 2013
Nobody likes seeing their dd beat out of a position, but it happens. The good news is your team just got stronger, and your dd just got more incentive to play harder and improve. What position?

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