What do you do when your not coaching

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Jul 30, 2010
So when you get a breather for a few, what do all of you coaches and mangers like to do when not worrying about the girls

Here's what I do when I'm off!:cool:
YouTube - BIG BEAR LAKE TROUT 10-2-10

Not sure i breath..........anyhow, i just follow DD from 1 sport to the next is basically what we do. I use to fish, but now softball equipment sits on top of the tackle box. I do find time to hunt deer a little in the fall (between firld hockey and basketball) i haven't hunted sring gobbler in years (coach HS and travel). I do enjoy watching as much football as i can. I still do on occassion build things in the shop. But what i really enjoy and i know your all gonna laugh, i love splitting firewood. and i do it the old fashion way, by hand with a maul/axe. It really relax's me and keeps my guns pumped.
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May 26, 2010
Central NJ
I sing and play acoustic guitar in coffee shops. I used to do it fairly regularly until DD decided to play softball. Now I do it whenever I can, which is only once every couple of months.
Jul 26, 2010
I sing and play acoustic guitar in coffee shops. I used to do it fairly regularly until DD decided to play softball. Now I do it whenever I can, which is only once every couple of months.

I hear that. Nice to know there's a fellow musician on the board. I used to play guitar in an instrumental rock band, now I just sit in once or twice a month. I wept a single tear the other day when I was in my garage/studio and saw a softball resting on my (once well used, now dusty) pro-tools console. It was a good visual as to how kids change your priorities. Ah well!



Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
I follow the (2) DD's other activities which include Figure skating (year Round), basketball (summer and winter), soccer,ice hockey, Band and Orchestra. But (1)DD also plays on Softball teams that I don't coach, in which case I relax and watch the game (Summer, Fall and spring). Also, My youngest DD and I have been doing a bit of fishing(summer)
I also grill out as much as possible.

My wife tells me the house is falling apart....
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Jul 28, 2008
I hunt and ride my motorcycles. I usually have to clear a path through the gear for the bikes to get out of the garage. Since I'm not going to do the elk hunt this year, maybe a Vegas trip is in order. :)
May 7, 2008
Morris County, NJ
Given the avatar with my posts, I used to fish. Also played golf to a single digit handicap. I now play golf a few times a year.

DD will have no use for me in a few years, so the handicap will improve eventually.

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