Well it happened...DD announced her decision last night

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Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
Maksoftball, while the break can be tough to take for us parents, oftentimes it's just what the kids need. I know when I have students come back after a few weeks' break they are chomping at the bit ready to go, and can't absorb information fast enough. You may find that when she does pick up the ball again she does it with even more enthusiasm than normal.
Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
I guess I should reiterate from past posts...she wants to pursue career in engineering. She has an interest in chemistry so it may be chemical engineering. Also, she is pretty smart being ranked 15 out of 942 in her class. I think that with all that we discussed about playing college ball AND having a major in engineering...she resolved to focus just on her career path. While it could change, with the schools she is interested in, she would need to get on their radar NOW (or rather last year but that didn't happen). She seems pretty happy with her decision which leads me to believe it is firm.

I was in a similar situation. After some wise words from a counsellor at one school, I chose engineering. A major life decision. If I had chosen baseball I would have some additional memories, but my life would be nowhere near the same in terms of being able to provide for my family, and the enjoyable work I get to do.

If your DD has the smarts she can either succeed at softball or engineering, in all likelihood not both. Her choice to pursue engineering is the best choice by far if you ask me.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
I was in a similar situation. After some wise words from a counsellor at one school, I chose engineering. A major life decision. If I had chosen baseball I would have some additional memories, but my life would be nowhere near the same in terms of being able to provide for my family, and the enjoyable work I get to do.

If your DD has the smarts she can either succeed at softball or engineering, in all likelihood not both. Her choice to pursue engineering is the best choice by far if you ask me.

I know there were some Engineering majors playing in the D3 WCWS Final 8. I wouldn't ever suggest to sacrifice the academics, just sayin' that you can find a good school and give softball a go until/unless it proves to be too much.
Aug 1, 2008
She will not be pursuing college softball. I knew it was coming, I am sad but I totally understand and support her reasons. She will, however, continue playing through high school but will be playing her last game in her senior year...I will be a mess. Sigh.

What helped me realize that she probably would come to that decision was seeing my DS's passion for football. When comparing to my DD's, DS's far surpasses hers by a long mile. He constantly has a football in his hands and is begging every member of house hold to go throw with him. DD never did this. Sigh. Don't get me wrong, she loves softball but her level of passion is nowhere near my son's.

Will still be perusing DFP to help her with HS ball...and she will still be getting lessons for pitching/hitting. Right now, we are trying to decide what to do about travel ball. Should she stay where she is at (high level of competition but won't get playing time when announce that we are not pursuing college ball) or should she find a lower level team much closer to home? Obviously, money factors into this...why would I spend the money now knowing that there is no ROI? Lots to talk/think about. :)

Also need to divert my energies to finding academic scholarships and finding services that help. Any suggestions?? :)

Pursue all scholarships. Example: My DD wrote an essay to a cosmetic company. They give out 2 in are area. She won one.
6 thousand for a 1 time thing, freshman year and a makeover for her and 5 friends.

She got another for $1500. That paid for her apple laptop. They are out there. JUst have to put the work in.

She also plays club ball for a D-1 school. They play 9 other D-1 schools. Still good competition fun to watch but not the big commitment on her part to be there everyday and still make grades.

Good luck with your path

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