Well it happened...DD announced her decision last night

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May 7, 2008
You have time to adjust and maybe pursue your own interests. Give back to the game, if you can. Congrats to her. My DD didn't want to play in college, heck, she didn't even want to go to college.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Balancing college sports and engineering can be difficult. My DS is able to do that, at a D3 school. He is majoring in mechanical engineering while competing with one of the top D3 rowing teams in the country. His school is on the quarter system, and this past fall he had a class that conflicted with practice, so the coach just let him find some time during the day to work out by himself. The coach still let DS compete in some big events, and DS even won a couple of gold medals (in the Novice, meaning first year, division). His team takes a long road trip to Austin every year, but that is during the break between winter and spring quarters. (DS tells me his team beat Texas in a race last year, in Austin. Pretty good for D3).

OTOH, I see the sort of schedule the softball players in the top D1 programs have. On the road all the time, often missing classes. It would be extremely difficult to balance a difficult major and also a D1 school.

Has your DD considered a D3 school? There are some very excellent D3 schools with top-notch engineering programs. The softball programs in those schools would be somewhat less demanding in terms of travel than the D1 schools.

The flip side of it is that many of the good D3 schools would be more expensive than State U, and give no athletic scholarships. DS was fortunate in that he got a partial academic scholarship, so his D3 school is not that much more expensive than the public colleges.
Nov 26, 2010
She will not be pursuing college softball. I knew it was coming, I am sad but I totally understand and support her reasons. She will, however, continue playing through high school but will be playing her last game in her senior year...I will be a mess. Sigh.

What helped me realize that she probably would come to that decision was seeing my DS's passion for football. When comparing to my DD's, DS's far surpasses hers by a long mile. He constantly has a football in his hands and is begging every member of house hold to go throw with him. DD never did this. Sigh. Don't get me wrong, she loves softball but her level of passion is nowhere near my son's.

Will still be perusing DFP to help her with HS ball...and she will still be getting lessons for pitching/hitting. Right now, we are trying to decide what to do about travel ball. Should she stay where she is at (high level of competition but won't get playing time when announce that we are not pursuing college ball) or should she find a lower level team much closer to home? Obviously, money factors into this...why would I spend the money now knowing that there is no ROI? Lots to talk/think about. :)

Also need to divert my energies to finding academic scholarships and finding services that help. Any suggestions?? :)

Fastweb : Scholarships, Financial Aid, Student Loans and Colleges scholarship clearing house

My dd told me in 9th grade that she would not pursue college sports. Softball is her best sport and I know she could play somewhere. But she has stuck fast to what she wants. She is also tops in her class and wants to study engineering. The last few years of travel have been fun, we put her on a team with girls she likes (and parents we got along with) and with coaches who were fine with her plans. Its been a great experience that was unencumbered with the need to showcase or jump teams to fit the exposure needs.
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Nov 26, 2010
I don't see why it would suck. I was proud of my dd and happy with our relationship that she came to me and told me something that was important to her. Knowing it was something that I didn't necessarily want to hear. But she did and she is doing what she wants. I couldn't be happier with her and her choice. Do I want to see her play in college? Sure. But I want her to be happier even more.

Just like for all of the DDs out there who really want to play college ball. I hope they get to, if its the plan and the plan makes her happy. I hope it works out.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Finch quit playing. Pauly quit. Osterman quit. My DD#1 and DD#3 quit. Sooner or later, they all quit. The only question is when.

Playing college softball is different. It isn't like HS or TB. It is more intense from a playing/practice point of view, and the end point is very clearly defined.

should she find a lower level team much closer to home?

Make it easy on her and you. Find a team where she can play as much as she wants and that doesn't kill you. Enjoy the ride.

Also, this is a good time for a lesson about prioritizing.
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Feb 3, 2011
The fact that she intends to pursue a major that will allow her to be very competitive in the job market after school leads me to conclude you're getting a tremendous ROI. And that - whether you're aware of it or not - you've done a great job as a sports dad in balancing the fun stuff with what really matters. Here's to you for a job well done.
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
Small update: DD talked to her coach on NYE about her decision. Coach asked her if her desired major is only reason why she won't pursue college ball. DD said yes. Coach told her to not make her decision yet...she may regret it. Told her to go through the motions this season and through summer. Basically, stick it out as long as possible because opportunities could be huge. She also told DD that she is a tremendous athlete, and absolutely loves watching her play. Love her coach!

Anyhow, this break is killing me. She is truly taking a full break from softball. Hasn't picked up a ball since 12/13. She is more interested in getting her license and shopping right now. HOWEVER, she did post on instagram that she is very much looking forward to HS ball. She will need to pick up the ball soon if she wants to be ready for HS ball. Sitting on my fingers and biting my tongue trying my damnedest to stay out of it...it has to be her initiative. Meanwhile I am taking oldest DS to football training...

BTW - I am a softball mom...not a dad. ;) While I like football, I love softball. LOL.

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