upset and frustrated vent Thread

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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Not a rant but, alittle help. When you post gifs do you post the gifs that you saved on your computer? That is why the post as pics. Try and post from a gif that is posted on a site. See if it shows up as a gif.

Yes, and I have to work on that. I'm going to have to get a converter. I used a "transfer program" to move some stuff to a new computer and all of my registrations/permissions for those programs did not transfer. Programs like my old RVP are now useless unless I buck up again and pay a minimal fee ($100) for a new code.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
SL, I have been to that person's place 4 times but haven't caught him in yet. The chicken wings back in the day were pretty good. Haven't been there in over a year. His place is 42 minutes away from me. Someday will go there when he is in. The dd's boyfriend lives about 4 minutes from his place and so, will have several opportunities to stop by. Behind that person's place is a curve that you take which leads to a nice neighborhood. (His place faces a major highway and is in a strip mall.) There is a store down there that sell Tanner Cleats which the dd always wore. She's switched to Riddel now. Heck, I've been all over that place. Oh, you should see the green bar when it is lit up.
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Oct 4, 2011
I'm mad about two things:
1. I couldn't watch the Red Sox - Yankees game yesterday because the game was blacked out here. Why on earth anyone would care about a Coloradan's ability to watch this game on TV is beyond me. Did they expect that I would fly out to watch in person?

2. ARod suggesting that the Yankees asked their team docs to purposefully mess up his hip. This is an extremely insulting thing to say about doctors and medical students. He just tends to talk out of his rear end with no regard for who he hurts in the process. Why the Yankees re-signed him in 2007 is beyond me. At least he didn't end up in Boston.

I'm being a little tongue-in-cheek here; my life isn't perfect by any means but if I can enjoy each day and just have an abstract thing such as MLB to be upset about, then life is pretty good :)

RB - good luck to your daughter this year - I wish her the best and I concur: watching our kids struggle - physically or emotionally is the absolute hardest part of being a parent.
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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Teacherman's Place I think doesn't have pool tables anymore. It has wiffle ball now. I think?

I haven't been there in a while. BTW, the road I speak of I think is called Jungerman Road or something like that and it is actually just before his place. I think that there was construction when I was there last and so, the roads were messed up some.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
I haven't been there in a while. BTW, the road I speak of I think is called Jungerman Road or something like that and it is actually just before his place. I think that there was construction when I was there last and so, the roads were messed up some.

I'm guessing code word? Where do 'you guys' meet with the pitch and forks?:p


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
rdbass, no code word. Just a road right next to his place. Wife has forbade me from going there so guess he and I never meet but St. Louis is not that big a place. Betting I do run in to him. BTW, I love looking at your ever changing Avatar. Who knows what tomorrow brings with that darn thing. LOL!
Jun 23, 2013
Spent all day trying to get my dd's computer to recognize it's printer. Both said that they were on the network and both had the right IP address and password. Still, they would not work together. After 3 hours of that, had to come home in the middle of St. Louis rush hour around a Ram's game. I'm darn angry! Nevermind, wife had me get ice cream. All is good.

I didn't know St. Louis still had a football team. #GOSEAHAWKS #LEGIONOFBOOM :cool:

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