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May 31, 2012
It was not Minors Gold that did it. It was California Cruisers Sievers.

And Humpty, if you in any way believe this was acceptable for any reason, you do not belong any where near a softball field.

Comp your some kinda of Ump so of course your gonna side with your people. If you think its acceptable for an Ump to ruin a game and not call the game the way its supposed to be called then you don't belong anywhere near a softball field.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Criminal? What a bunch of pansies. Stand up for yourself and handle your own business. Maybe the next time someone tries to bully that kid she will throat punch em. If the Ump had a problem with the coach throw the coach out of the game. Don't ruin the game by not calling strikes.

Hump - like you an all that but have to disagree with you here - and you know I have started a bunch of posts here in regards to calling a good strike zone. I don't like getting hit by the ball in my shins when my DD pitching even when I know it is coming - really want to minimize the hits to the head when not expecting it. As an umpire even on a foul tip I can generally see it coming or the possibility of it coming and can somewhat adjust to it - and let me tell you even in 10U the hit to the mask when you don't expect it can really ring your bell. 18U takes some time to get everything back in focus sometimes.

Throwing a softball 60mph or (there about) with the absolute intention of hitting someone IN THE HEAD who is not expecting it is criminal. That is a missile coming in. In whatever context you want to put it, that is straight assault. There is no provocation that justifies it and he is lucky he didn't actually badly injure the umpire because if he did there is no doubt the coach and possibly the players are going to be charged. Multi-year ban at minimum for the coach - if not lifetime ban - this is unacceptable.

If you REALLY FEEL the umpire is cheating you or has a ridiculous zone or whatever and you feel you want to make your point go out there and get yourself thrown out. It isn't hard to do - go argue ball and strikes in a loud voice while standing on the field and keep doing it until you feel you have got it out of your system. In fact when you think about it - this is traditionally how this happens in baseball & softball.

"I was mad because he wasn't calling strikes so I got my player to throw a rock hard ball at his head at 60 mph from 43' and there is video of that happening and the conference I used to set it up" would not play out well in court.

And just as thought experiment for those trying to justify that it was an umpire who they were upset with for whatever reason - what if the coach was instead mad at the BATTER for whatever reason and decided that they should intentionally throw at the BATTER's helmet. Is your reaction the same?
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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
And if your scared your gonna die while umping or playing softball. Never leave your house its a dangerous world out there.

If I want to be involved in a sport where the opponent is intentionally looking to hurt me as part of the game I'll choose that sport. Boxing maybe or MMA fighting come to mind. If my DD or anyone on the softball field gets hurt as part of the game in the course of play then I am good with that.

Being intentionally assaulted with intent to injure - not part of this sport.

You are right - it is NOT acceptable for an umpire to ruin a game and not call it the way it should be - but that DOES NOT justify physically assaulting him.
May 7, 2008
If my DD participated in that, at that age, I would be so mad, that she might never participate again. I even tell all of my students if a coach pulls something like this to refuse and tell their parents. I wouldn't want my kids around a coach with this poor of judgement.
Jul 16, 2008
Criminal? What a bunch of pansies. Stand up for yourself and handle your own business. Maybe the next time someone tries to bully that kid she will throat punch em. If the Ump had a problem with the coach throw the coach out of the game. Don't ruin the game by not calling strikes.

And this is why the Country is going down the wrong path. humpty you are wrong on so many levels
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
If you REALLY FEEL the umpire is cheating you or has a ridiculous zone or whatever and you feel you want to make your point go out there and get yourself thrown out. It isn't hard to do - go argue ball and strikes in a loud voice while standing on the field and keep doing it until you feel you have got it out of your system. In fact when you think about it - this is traditionally how this happens in baseball & softball.

This is the way the coach should have handled his frustration. Seen it many times and it makes a point without putting players in the middle. Parents should be pulling their kids from this team. This coach abused his authority over these players and that should not be taken lightly.
May 31, 2012
But it sure did make for a lively discussion. Hahaha. All you umps better straighten up especially if your playing cruisers gold.
Oct 19, 2009
Honestly I felt like doing that to a few UMPS, but I would never put one of my players or team in that light.

Two wrongs don’t make a wright. I feel as a coach I’m there to teach much more than softball to the kids.

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