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Jan 4, 2012
I would talk to them about what the possible repercussions of their actions are. "how would you feel if his facemask broke and he was injured" let them think about the consequences of their actions and how a decision like that could possibly play out. "are you willing to put a guy in the hospital for not giving you the zone you think you deserve", I'd talk to the parents too about how disappointed I was. Then I would either a) suspend them for some length of time if this was a first offense or b) kick them off the team if something similar had happened before.

but....this is all hypothetical because it was little napoleon who ordered the hit.

I still think the whole kerfuffle is amusing and just another day in the life of crazy, and I still think the ump was calling a punitive zone and when those few bad umps do this they are setting up a situation where all it takes is the wrong guy in the dugout or the wrong girl behind the plate and this little slice of stupidity happens. So it is best if people just behave responsibly so the darker sides don't come out. Coaches need to keep themselves in check, umps need to stay as fair as possible and players need to know when their coach is out of line. I don't view this as a right/wrong single action event, I see a situation that spiraled because everyone involved was a douche.

Man you are trippin... :cool: You need to get the duck hunt shoot planned. LOLL
May 7, 2008
There was a city employee, here, that pulled into Chic Fillet and threw a cup of water on the young lady working at the window. This genius took a video of it and put it on You Tube. He was fired the next day.

You just never know who is watching.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Sep 17, 2009
If I lost my mind and went out to the mound and told my 18u girls to do this I don't think they would (I'm proud to say).
Aug 30, 2011
that coach is a joke. I have a feeling the catcher didn't know any better and will probably regret she was ever a part of this.
Jul 31, 2011
I watched a similar incident in NY a couple of years ago. An 18U team in a TCS tournament. Coach got mad at the ump, pulled her players together and rather loudly told the pitcher to throw her fastball at the ump, and told the catcher to duck. Spectators thought it was a joke until they did it. Fastball hit the elderly ump in the chest. It was unbelievable to watch. Head umpire escorted the team and coaches off the property.

My daughter watching said, "I would never, ever do that. Never, Ever." We often talk about when you don't like an ump's strike zone...adjust your pitch. If the ump is inconsistent, do the best you can and walk away at the end of the game knowing you did your job.

Watching this video today I became angry....at the pitcher and catcher. Their parents should be ashamed. The players should be banned. Obviously, the coach should not not be part of the sport at all.

Harsh, I know....just my $0.02

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