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Mar 23, 2010
It would not cross my mind to throw a pitch at an ump or a coke on anyone. But, this just goes to show, what I know is the truth about the sobriety of some people. I was amazed at the folks that I got to know that were sneaking drinks or downing pills, all day long. I kept my kids close to me, after that and never really trusted other parents.

At BLD, he could have openly downed a pitcher or two, sounds like the parents did.

Catcher's job is to protect the umpire. Even if the person doesn't deserve it, sometimes you salute the uniform, not the person in it.
Mar 28, 2013
We all pretty much agree that was a classless move it should be dealt with somehow. After showing it to my family last night they were amazed that the umpire made not one move to duck that pitch,or lean out of the way.he just stood there frozen.That catcher bailed before the ball was half way to the plate.Not blaming blue in any way but it just struck me as interesting.I catch 62+ almost daily and maybe I would have still gotten grazed but I doubt I would have taken it dead center in the face.
Aug 29, 2011
We all pretty much agree that was a classless move it should be dealt with somehow. After showing it to my family last night they were amazed that the umpire made not one move to duck that pitch,or lean out of the way.he just stood there frozen.That catcher bailed before the ball was half way to the plate.Not blaming blue in any way but it just struck me as interesting.I catch 62+ almost daily and maybe I would have still gotten grazed but I doubt I would have taken it dead center in the face.
The ump is supposed to be still watching where the ball crosses the strike zone, not worrying about if the catcher is going to jump out of the way.
Jun 22, 2008
The ump is supposed to be still watching where the ball crosses the strike zone, not worrying about if the catcher is going to jump out of the way.

Exactly, you do not even really see the catcher until you track the pitch into the glove. You may catch a little movement of the helmet in your periphreal vision, but you do not actually see the catcher. You are fully expecting the catcher to catch the ball, not bail out and let you take it in the face. Umpires who do dodge around are the ones that have strike zones that vary pitch by pitch based on if they think they are going to get hit or not.
Mar 1, 2013
And even if you see it coming, letting the gear take the hit and do its job is the better choice. I took one to the side of the head by trying to get out of the way. I twisted instead of sliding on a bouncing pitch and it nailed me right above the ear. I learned the hard way (that a softball is very hard). Any pitch that gets through now hits me head on where my protection is.
Jun 24, 2013
Just to add my .02. My DD would never play for that guy again. I would make sure to let any parent that would listen know what a tool that coach was.
Jul 16, 2008
On the "other" forum it was being discussed that there is actually no evidence that the coach ordered this. That is very true, there is not any evidence. If that is actually the case, and the players did this on their own, I would like to know how the coach handled it.

How would you guys deal with this situation if the players decided on this type of action?
Mar 28, 2013
Sweet Lou, Comp, Eddieg ,Well I guess I would make a bad Plate Umpire.cause Im pretty sure I could not stand still and take one to the face, mask or not but those were all great points.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
On the "other" forum it was being discussed that there is actually no evidence that the coach ordered this. That is very true, there is not any evidence. If that is actually the case, and the players did this on their own, I would like to know how the coach handled it.

How would you guys deal with this situation if the players decided on this type of action?

and OJ was acquitted, the coach was aware of this either by direct order or by indirect approval " why don't you girls talk about how we can send a message to this ump"

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