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Jul 16, 2013
I have seen some ridiculous things, but this video is above and beyond that. I've noticed that several stated they would pull their daughters off this team. I agree completely!! Not only should the coach be ejected, suspended, etc. The coach should be banned!
May 31, 2012
according to you the victim was the pitcher who was required, I mean get this, REQUIRED to actually throw a strike for one to be called. The nerve of that umpire

The bloody nerve of that guy. No one knows the whole story. Maybe the Ump and coach had a history. But everyone has an opinion
Aug 20, 2013
Rule Novice here: Does the fact that the catcher got thrown mean she can't play for the next game like when a coach is ejected(that is how it is in our league)? I only ask cause it seems pointless to eject her and then call the game unless the ejection impacts other playing time.

Glad most on here have level heads. Thank goodness no one was hurt and hopefully all those coaches and players learned a lesson that will prevent future HORRENDOUS and IRRESPONSIBLE calls.
Jan 25, 2011
Ok, I watched the whole game. What I see is the head coach has little man syndrome. He is that coach that we all have seen and deep down, we wanted to take him out in the parking lot and kick his teeth in. The little coach started running, his trap in the begin of the game and the elite parents started up later. The ump missed a a couple on both teams. Must be the one team feels that they are so elite that nothing goes against them. The org should be banned from ever playing again. It sends a great message to those that think they are above rules. IMO


Jun 22, 2008
Rule Novice here: Does the fact that the catcher got thrown mean she can't play for the next game like when a coach is ejected(that is how it is in our league)? I only ask cause it seems pointless to eject her and then call the game unless the ejection impacts other playing time.

Don't know about TCS. ASA would be the player would be allowed to return UNLESS there was a tournament/league rule stating otherwise. Or if a TD and/or UIC determined allowing the ejected individual back on the field could be disruptive or create some animus among the participants
Jan 25, 2011
DD and I have had this talk before. She is a low ball pitcher, if the ump thinks they are low, then they are low. She has to adjust, besides from my view point, they might not look low to me, but im not right behind the plate.
Jun 22, 2008
These are showcases. There's no repercussions for anything. That's why they did it. I've see the worst coach and player behavior at showcases, where the score doesn't even matter.

The showcase director does have the ability to ban the team from any further participation. Years ago my daughters team was playing in a showcase up in Vegas. We were playing a team out of CA where all the coaches and parents were mouthy the whole game. To make a long story short, as the umpires were walking off the field one of the parents threw a coke all over the umpires. The tournament organizers immediatly informed the team they would never be welcome again at any event they held.

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