Too many or Too few??

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Nov 18, 2013
Coming from SoCal, the recruiting mecca, college money IS what it is about by 14U.
If it is not, I don't see the point of playing travel ball unless playing in college is the ultimate goal. It is just too darn expensive and time consuming. Play in your town rec league with your friends if college is not the goal. It is just a game after all. JMHO
With that being said, I do not think there are too many teams and I believe that the free market will usually sort out the good from the bad eventually. We learn from our mistakes.

I know what you're saying, but not sure I fully agree. "Travel" means a lot of different things to people. I know you're talking about the highest level where most of the kids should have college aspirations and I'd agree on that one. It's not a good mix when some girls are working to play in college and others are just looking for a good time. I don't think it can be all about the money though. I've seen softball open many doors to girls who aren't getting a dime to play. I've also seen plenty go to school just for softball and quit after a year. I don't think it can be all about the money. If it is most aren't going to get a very good return on their investment.
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California
So I'm not sure why playing travel ball has to be an elite society of those chasing $$$.
Not saying that it HAS TO be that, but it is that for the bigger travel programs here ...and by all means if you can afford the time and the expense of travel ball with no other goal than playing, by all means do it! But you also just said....
My DD plays TB because she's head and shoulders above the rec players and she want's to play in college
So there is the goal of playing in college there??
May 8, 2012
Since most have hit on most of my points going to add this to it...i think there needs to be more "C" level teams. I know there seems to be a stigma associated with it, but "C" doesnt have to mean bad. There are all sorts of reasons people should look at "C" teams, but they never do. The "C" teams often end up either being "B" teams, because of a lack of competition, or they stay "C", but play "B" tourneys because of the lack of participants. DD played "C" ball last year as a 1st yr 14u(few reasons for this that i wont go into) batting lesson 2x week, local velocity training center 3x week, workout with a 18u "A" team 2 x's a "C" player, she worked just as hard as any "A" level player.."C" doesnt mean stinks. I think more teams should embrace that. Many 1st yr tb players end up on "B" teams..some should be, but some should have the opportunity at "C" ball too
Apr 8, 2013
Is that really a bad thing? Its good for the childs confidence, they arent dealing drugs due to activities available, more kids have college ambitions etc etc etc.

I see all this as more opportunities for our youth. Nothing is ever perfect and there are always bad apples but I wish I had opportunities like this growing up. I think its great for or children and the game. Softball is bigger now than it ever has been due to all the Grass Roots startup mom and dad teams.

You're right, my comment was harsh. I guess it's more of a personal thing and some negative experiences we've had over the years having two girls go through the travel ball scene here. It can get cliquey and that's just not my style. I don't even have a FB account. I own one logo shirt. I just remember a few parents in particular acting like the "rich kids of instagram" type of over doing it with logo stuff. I was half expecting to see them post pictures of their logo'd underwear.
Feb 15, 2013
Not saying that it HAS TO be that, but it is that for the bigger travel programs here ...and by all means if you can afford the time and the expense of travel ball with no other goal than playing, by all means do it! But you also just said....

So there is the goal of playing in college there??

Yes there is the goal of playing in college but that's with or without the $$$. I'm not arguing that the upper levels of TB are all about the $$$ and they should be. I'm not saying my DD isn't trying to get a little $$$. But it shouldn't have to be the only reason you play.
I've been known to fly the colors a bit. I didn't use to in the 13 years I coached without a DD on the team, but I do now. No logo'd underwear, though. I just might have to get the org's fanwear committee on that one, right away.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
I like flying the colors. It is Club ball after all and the club you choose says a lot. Of course no one knows our team so the statement is only for me, but it is kind of like when I was in college and the more obscure the band was the cooler the shirt was. And by that measure my logo wear is friggin cool.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Since most have hit on most of my points going to add this to it...i think there needs to be more "C" level teams. I know there seems to be a stigma associated with it, but "C" doesnt have to mean bad. There are all sorts of reasons people should look at "C" teams, but they never do. The "C" teams often end up either being "B" teams, because of a lack of competition, or they stay "C", but play "B" tourneys because of the lack of participants. DD played "C" ball last year as a 1st yr 14u(few reasons for this that i wont go into) batting lesson 2x week, local velocity training center 3x week, workout with a 18u "A" team 2 x's a "C" player, she worked just as hard as any "A" level player.."C" doesnt mean stinks. I think more teams should embrace that. Many 1st yr tb players end up on "B" teams..some should be, but some should have the opportunity at "C" ball too

The problem with softball is there isn't any oversight for classification like in baseball. In baseball it's monitored pretty close by past performance which class you play in. That system eliminates sand bagging and trophy hunting. Not sure why softball hasn't followed suit.

Some softball national events do require you play at the same classification, or higher, as the qualifying event you played. The rest of the year you can play any class you write down.
Where I live it is mostly ASA.
C=Really small rec leagues.

There are no B travel teams according to ASA. If you are travel team made up of players outside a league you are an A team.
So Cal ASA – Junior Olympics
ASA does have "B" and even "C" class travel ball tournaments in other areas. They just don't do it in SoCal (and NoCal, for that matter) because ASA runs the leagues.

In areas where LL and others dominate the rec ball scene, ASA has more tournament team options.
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