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Jan 7, 2013
Just moved from team with a 1.5 hour drive, to one with a 2 hour drive. We make all field practices, but generally skip hitting sessions and go to a private coach locally. Pretty common in this area.
Apr 29, 2013
At that age, there's no way I'd commit to 10+ hours a week just for practices. A kid this age needs to have time outside of softball to pursue other things. Yes, there ARE others things that are important besides softball. :) If your daughter has the chance to play for a team closer to home, I think you should go for it. She will make friends on that team. The other team is a "sure thing?" I doubt it. Things change from year to year, and if your daughter is a pitcher, and there are already 2 other pitchers and the coach is looking to add more, THAT is a huge problem for you I think. That team doesn't sound ideal to me.


Feb 20, 2012
My DD plays for a very good 10U organization that is going up to 12U. The practices are at least twice a week 1.5hour drive each way. She fits in real well with this team. A little bit off daddy ball here but it doesn't effect her. She is a developing pitcher and there is 2 others on the team. The coach is shopping for more pitchers. This could effect her mound time.
There is a very good local team having organizational tryouts this month. If she made the team the only known benefit would be a 30 minute drive to practice.
My problem is should I leave a good team that she fits in with just for a team that is closer to home. The DW and I would be the only ones benefitting by saving time and money.

If your DD is a pitcher, wants to continue pitching and aspires to play in college, at 12U your decision on which team to join should be driven by three things - circle time, circle time and circle time. The only way for her to get better is to pitch. She is much better off being a #1 or #2 pitcher on a B-level TB team vs. a #3 or #4 on an A-level TB team. 12U and 14U need to be viewed as "stepping stones" to 16U and 18U where your DD will be recruited.
Wait untill the drives turn into 10 hour journeys every other weekend for practices. Do what you gotta do!
And thank you Softballmom77! One of my biggest pet peaves is so called fast pitch people talk about mounds. There aint no damn mounds on a softball field. They pitch in a circle!
May 7, 2008
Without a doubt, the D1 pitchers that I talk to tell me how much their parents sacrificed for them. They knew by age 8 what they wanted to do and their folks helped them accomplish it. If this little girl has "it", I hope she gets all the support that she needs, whether the team is in the next county, or the next state. GO FOR IT.
Jun 23, 2013
Wait untill the drives turn into 10 hour journeys every other weekend for practices. Do what you gotta do!
And thank you Softballmom77! One of my biggest pet peaves is so called fast pitch people talk about mounds. There aint no damn mounds on a softball field. They pitch in a circle!

There are 2 basic habits that a former baseball player can't kill.

1. Copenhagen
2. Calling the place where the pitcher is "the mound". :cool:
May 28, 2012
There are 2 basic habits that a former baseball player can't kill.

1. Copenhagen
2. Calling the place where the pitcher is "the mound". :cool:

Gave up the copenhagen but for some reason the mound just wont go away.

Just as an up date I called her coach Friday. She said one of the girls hasn't pitched in a year and she isnt recruiting her for that, she wants her as an infielder. (she came once and hasn't come back). The other girl was practicing with us to get ready for middle school ball. She isn't recruiting her. She said my dd is the number 2 and will get plenty of circle time( I did it) and they really needed her to pitch and third.She goes to a pitching coach twice a week. Pitches on the middle school team. They share the field with varsity so she is pitching from 43' cause they are too cheap to install a portable rubber. Talked to the number 1's dad today. He works with me, she is trying out for the local team and leaving the current team( current coach doesnt know) so she will get circle time. Said DD down and talked she said she wants to stay where she at so it looks like we we just drive the 1.5 hours. thanks

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