They're too Big to play!

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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
When DD was younger and playing rec ball, she was always the biggest girl on the team. When we traveled to tournaments with our All-Star team that I coached, I had to carry her birth certificate with me since, invariably, another coach would always challenge her age. One year, I had her and three other girls that were only slightly smaller at the 10u level. By that I mean that DD was 5'1" and the others were around 5' tall. After certifying that they were all eligible, the other team forfeited the game thus allowing us to go to the championship game. It didn't exactly sit right with me but we took it with equanimity and went on to win the entire tournament. In retrospect, my feeling is if you can't handle the competition, then find another place/tournament to play in that is more your speed. I'm not going to apologize for fielding a superior team than you. If it's a rec league, then maybe the league itself should find a more equitable way of drafting. How they should go about this is an entirely different subject and discussion.
Aug 12, 2014
DD was on a 10U rec team that was pretty good and had some pretty big girls for their age. We were playing a tournament game and winning by 8 or 10 runs and it went into a rain delay. The other coach decided they had enough and forefeited - I don't blame them, I didn't want to stay out there either. On their way out, we overhead their coach make a comment of "that's what we get for playing 10 year olds who wear bras."
Sep 28, 2015
I know i am late to the party but size should never be of concern, this past all star season our team was one of the smallest that had come out of the league in a few years. Alot of people and parents of whose daughters didnt make it said a lot of nasty things of course all of them say they never said that. This all star team had the second best record ever in the league for that division, also placed 7th out of 33 teams in state. I will admit our team looked small compared to other all star teams at the tourmaments.
Several years ago I did decline to play a team. We had been invited to a fall league (another town in another county) with our 10 to 12 year old group. This was a group of girls just above rec league level, and that aint saying much.
We played our first game and did ok. Then our second opponents showed up. A group of girls from one of the local high schools. Girls that had gone to the state tournament in TN the year before and coached by one of the Dads.
I was very familiar with them since DD1 had played against these same girls for years. Seriously, these girls were a pretty good 16u group.
Their coach was indignant that they had come to play and we would not play them. I simply told him that "our girls weren't gonna be his cannon fodder."
We packed up and left the dugout, and director wanted to know why we weren't playing his "friend's" team.

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