The insanity continues.....

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
The people that make millions because they posses certain skills don't get paid simply because of the skill. They get paid because they make money for their bosses. So yes, if she could hit a MLB curveball, and fans paid money to watch her do it, then she would be paid what you call "real money." It seems the LL powers that be believe the CEO is making money the way they want him to, so they pay him accordingly. There is nothing wrong with that.

Kind of what I have been saying all along. Their skill set includes rainmaking.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Dec 2, 2012
and before we crown this guy as a genius of growth and capitalism....looks like he is a LL lifer who has never worked at a company....nothing wrong with that, but it is not like he is a Harvard MBA who was a vice president of GE before taking over LL, he has a BA from an OK school and then a lot of experience at LL.

Which is a great success story. Someone can still start in the mail room and make it to the corner office. The American Dream is still alive and well in Williamsport PA!!!! Hurray!

The rest of the angst over his compesation is a mystery to me. What specifically bothers you about Mr Keener's composition? More importantly why is that any concern of yours? Are you somehow not getting value from Little League products or services? Is anyone being deprived of Little League services? Is Mr Keener's composition illegal? Immoral? Orders of magnitude out of line for like positions in the recreation segment, or other sectors for that matter?

Worrying about stuff you have no control over seems like a colossal waste of time and energy.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
no angst here....I just found a story that I posted that had two funny things in it, one was the idea of paying LL players and the other was that the leader of LL makes $400K...the rest has just been rebuttal to some severely flawed logic about how he must deserve it if he is getting it. I worry about this about zero percent but I find no harm in engaging in a little debate over something like this.
Dec 20, 2012
"plane stupid" it.

plane- saying your comment was stupid in 2 dimensions.

Ewe know a guy has know legg to stand on when he diverts the debate to grammar. lmao You would be a great Democratic candidate for pres. Worried about things that do not concern you and craw fish when the majority disagree with your opinion, nice.
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Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Come on. We all know how this game works, most of us have experienced it first hand. In an organization, the relationships you have protect you and reward you. So for instance, my buddy and I were in management positions at my old company, he was a Director and I was a Manager under him in charge of an engineering unit and a production unit. We had worked together for years, he made damn sure I was covered come bonus time and raise time. Some of this was performance, but a big chunk was a close personal friendship. I did the same thing for my supervisors and key people. Boards do the same thing for their friend the pres. The difference is that in a for profit organization you have to answer to owners or shareholders when the "where did the money go" questions come up. With a non-profit that is not the case, so it is really easy for a board to unintentionally make sure their friend is covered even though they may have the best intentions, they can easily find comparable organizations to justify the pay. If they wanted to they could also just as easily find comparable organizations to justify lower pay. Show me the rules and I will play the game, but it is a game.

The flawed logic comes from thinking that just because there is a board that they are somehow all knowing and make the best decisions when it comes to compensation of someone they probably have barbecues with on the weekends. Like I said, when this happens in business then no problema, when it happens in an organization like LL I think it is a mild form of corruption, not a corruption that stems from a willful act to do harm, but the corruption that happens when an organization gets stale and insular.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Come on. We all know how this game works, most of us have experienced it first hand. In an organization, the relationships you have protect you and reward you. So for instance, my buddy and I were in management positions at my old company, he was a Director and I was a Manager under him in charge of an engineering unit and a production unit. We had worked together for years, he made damn sure I was covered come bonus time and raise time. Some of this was performance, but a big chunk was a close personal friendship. I did the same thing for my supervisors and key people. Boards do the same thing for their friend the pres. The difference is that in a for profit organization you have to answer to owners or shareholders when the "where did the money go" questions come up. With a non-profit that is not the case, so it is really easy for a board to unintentionally make sure their friend is covered even though they may have the best intentions, they can easily find comparable organizations to justify the pay. If they wanted to they could also just as easily find comparable organizations to justify lower pay. Show me the rules and I will play the game, but it is a game.

The flawed logic comes from thinking that just because there is a board that they are somehow all knowing and make the best decisions when it comes to compensation of someone they probably have barbecues with on the weekends. Like I said, when this happens in business then no problema, when it happens in an organization like LL I think it is a mild form of corruption, not a corruption that stems from a willful act to do harm, but the corruption that happens when an organization gets stale and insular.

Non-profits are very much a business. The ones that are not run like a business quickly fail. I am certainly no fan of LL but the bottom line is that under this CEO's tenure LL has experienced unprecedented growth and success. Yet based on other similar businesses the CEO is arguably under paid. I am curious - What compensation package do you feel is commensurate with his experience, skills, and demonstrated results? Do you also have a problem with the salary for football coaches at public universities? These are also by definition non-profit organizations.
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Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
plane- saying your comment was stupid in 2 dimensions.

Ewe know a guy has know legg to stand on when he diverts the debate to grammar. lmao You would be a great Democratic candidate for pres. Worried about things that do not concern you and craw fish when the majority disagree with your opinion, nice.

look Slingnit, I could care less if you agree or not, could care less if everyone on DFP disagrees or not, I haven't changed my opinion one bit, nor have I diverted the conversation. I just pointed out a funny little two word blurb that looked funny together. If you can't look at that and crack a smile at yourself then that is your problem.

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