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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Rubbish. You can try to justify it, but there is none for that type of salary for a volunteer-required organization. The ONLY reason they have the TV coverage they do is because are sponsors willing to put up the money for the broadcast, just like every other sporting event on TV.

I guess you also have a problem with Girl Scouts and major heartburn with Boy Scouts? It would appear that the LL CEO Salary is very much in line with the existing market. It is nonsense to argue that the skills provided at $400k are overpriced as the market sets that rate. However, if you feel that a less skilled person is required, that would be a different discussion. You get what you pay for and although I am sure many would take the job for much less they would certainly be less qualified.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Folks may want to do a bit of research into CEO pay for non-profits. A CEO pay of $400k probably will not get you into the top 100. For perspective the top salary for the CEO for The Boys and Girls Clubs of America is $1.8M. Too bad she can't hit an MLB curveball, or toss a football then she would make some real money. :)
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Jun 18, 2012
What quality of manager do people think they would have for these big non-profit organizations if they only paid $60,000? I would argue it wouldn't be much of a manager, certainly not the type that would be needed.

Just because these organizations are "non-profit" doesn't mean those who work for the organization should have to be paid less than market wages for the skills they bring to the table.


Jun 22, 2008
I guess you also have a problem with Girl Scouts and major heartburn with Boy Scouts? It would appear that the LL CEO Salary is very much in line with the existing market. It is nonsense to argue that the skills provided at $400k are overpriced as the market sets that rate. However, if you feel that a less skilled person is required, that would be a different discussion. You get what you pay for and although I am sure many would take the job for much less they would certainly be less qualified.

I do and what skills? Way too much emphasis and dollars placed on alleged business leaders in this country, but the people are willing to piss away their money like that, let them. It is their money, not mine.
Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
So it takes 400k to get quality leadership? Everyone who has served in the armed forces would laugh hysterically at that.

I served, and I won't laugh at that. If you'd ever served then you'd know that high quality leaders are few and far between. Most are simply competent, and a large portion are incompetent and just praying to make it to retirement before getting RIF'd. The guys who are truly quality leaders get out eventually and make a ton of money out in the world utilizing that skill set.

Feb 15, 2013
LL baseball players should not be paid for any reason as they receive quite the compensation package for being there. Each player seemed to be swinging their choice of easton bats $350 and up, new cleats, gift bags and countless hours of TV coverage, so now we should pay them? I'm baffled by this as what did they do to earn this money? Womens big league world series held in Georgetown DE this year, there was no outrage over pay for them, what about the other 6984 teams that didn't make it to the final 16? Should they get paid? If you play in Orlando at the USSSA WS your games are streamed around the Disney Complex, better get the checkbook out for my DD also right? Just because you're on TV doesn't mean you deserve money. As for college athletes i say if you want pay i'm all for it, but there are no more athletic scholarships and you will receive compensation based on your playing time. So if you are the 3rd QB at Texas A&M you probably won't receive any money for wearing that cool baseball hat on the bench. College athletes are paid in terms of education. If you want money in college for playing skip college, go to Canada or Europe and become pro, otherwise be thankful you have the opportunity to receive an education and all the contacts that come from being a college athlete.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
I wonder if this isn't just a manufactured controversy, a reducto ad absurdum coming from the disputes over possible pay for NCAA athletes.

There is a HUGE difference between a future NBA lottery pick or early 1st round NFL pick compared to a LL baseball player.
Dec 20, 2012
OK... Then pay mo'ne the money she earned and then we are back to the lunacy of LL players getting compensated. If you do not see the relationship between the two then nothing short of a brain transplant will help you understand.

Using your line of reasoning:

If you grow LL revenue you should be compensated.
Mo'ne was the driving force behind a good amount of revenue this year
Then you must pay mo'ne
Then you must pay other players

It is idiocy at so many levels it is useless to even engage on the topic.

If no TV contract then no Mo'ne to be seen. She is a product of his vision to put the LL World Series on a grander scale. So it goes back to who was responsible for putting the product in the public. So in your reasoning ALL little league parks should profit share their revenue with ALL players, right? Because if not for the players there would no spectators at the events. Unless the Pres of LL's salary affects you personally then the lunacy of whining over this is plane stupid! People worried about everyone's business but their own, who needs the transplant??
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Jun 17, 2013
Middle Georgia
Wrong idea.

Folks may want to do a bit of research into CEO pay for non-profits. A CEO pay of $400k probably will not get you into the top 100. For perspective the top salary for the CEO for The Boys and Girls Clubs of America is $1.8M. Too bad she can't hit an MLB curveball, or toss a football then she would make some real money. :)

The people that make millions because they posses certain skills don't get paid simply because of the skill. They get paid because they make money for their bosses. So yes, if she could hit a MLB curveball, and fans paid money to watch her do it, then she would be paid what you call "real money." It seems the LL powers that be believe the CEO is making money the way they want him to, so they pay him accordingly. There is nothing wrong with that.
Dec 20, 2012
Oh and criminals, local and national news networks should pay the all those who made their news cast, and the sun, clouds, rain, snow, wind should all get a cut.

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