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May 17, 2012
but why should anyone care what the President of LL deposits in his bank account every month?

Because he/she is doing it as the President of a nonprofit that is built on the sweat, tears, and dreams of children? There are certain jobs I would not take and the business of exploiting children is one of them.

I am looking at the NCAA, University Presidents, Little League Presidents, and beauty pageant directors just to name a few.

To each his own.
Dec 2, 2012
I make a distinction between businesses and non profits. In business, yes, the market should dictate executive pay. For non profit organizations, I happen to believe that executive pay should be significantly lower and should be very transparent. LL/girl scouts etc do not face some highly competitive marketplace. They do not have to defend their clients from being poached by new competitors all the time. They do not have to run an R and D division to come up with new games to stay one step ahead of ASA. Running an organization like this could be done by many, many people. I am sure it is a full time job but it is not the same as facing the free market.

Or put it this way- I do charitable giving, one of my criteria is how much of every dollar goes to the cause of the charity. LL would not meet my criteria for a good charity. Being a non-profit is not the same as a charity in all cases but when a non profit takes excess revenues and starts plowing them into executive pay instead of reinvesting in the organization then it is a sign of stagnation or or outright corruption. I wonder how many candy bars would be sold to fundraise if they came with a flyer noting that the CEO of the organization selling the candy made $400k.

Because he/she is doing it as the President of a nonprofit that is built on the sweat, tears, and dreams of children? There are certain jobs I would not take and the business of exploiting children is one of them.

I am looking at the NCAA, University Presidents, Little League Presidents, and beauty pageant directors just to name a few.

To each his own.

So get involved in leadership role within your favorite nonprofit, convince the rest of your peers (board members) that your convictions are the correct ones, and then set out to hire a leader to fill your needs at the price you think appropriate. Be sure to report back in a few years on the health and strategic direction of your organization.

Better yet, apply for one of those executive roles and stipulate that you would take no more than 1/3 to 1/2 of the fair market value for the skills and abilities you bring to the table. Problem solved and everyone is happy.

Suggesting the President of LL is exploiting children is over the top. Since no one other than a volunteer could/should hold executive positions within those organizations, when they fail due to lack of quality leadership, what happens to the "sweat, tears, and dreams of children" who no longer have infrastructure to pursue their dreams.
Dec 20, 2012
I don't understand the big outrage. A NPO is just a for profit organization that is able to follow certain laws set up by the gov't(IRS) in order to get tax credits and are regulated in how those profits are spent. Any corporation, regardless of their tax status, is willing to pay top $ for leadership that can bring in the most revenue. You say 400k is too much. Who's to say that Little League would have gotten the TV contract if not for their present leadership. You pay for experience, connections, vision for the future of the corp...... I would be much more willing to pay a CEO/Pres. $400k if he brought in $100 million a year than pay $200K for one to bring in $75 million. And I DO NOT WANT THE GOV"T HAVING ANYMORE SAY IN THE PAY OF ANYONE. If the general public believes that the LL Pres is over paid then let the free market show by not playing LL, God knows there are plenty of other leagues. Quit watching the games on ESPN, the ratings from this year give ammo to justify his pay. To be honest LL is one of the lowest qualities of baseball and softball of all national orgs. The fact he has those games on tv over their counterparts is a feat in itself. I am more upset with the LL leadership for the fact they do not allow runners to lead off. As far as it is for the kids, I get the concept but let's not be naive. We all know there are teams, no just organizations that have coaches that are making very good livings off the kids. NPO still have boards to answer to and still are expected to bring in a certain amount of revenue, just the reality of it all right or wrong.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
OK... Then pay mo'ne the money she earned and then we are back to the lunacy of LL players getting compensated. If you do not see the relationship between the two then nothing short of a brain transplant will help you understand.

Using your line of reasoning:

If you grow LL revenue you should be compensated.
Mo'ne was the driving force behind a good amount of revenue this year
Then you must pay mo'ne
Then you must pay other players

It is idiocy at so many levels it is useless to even engage on the topic.


Jun 22, 2008
IMO, the reason it has become a business is because of the parents who all think their kid is the next superstar and that they will save thousands of educational dollars.

It has gone beyond a game and if there is money to be made, someone is going to take advantage of that situation

But I agree, if there is a non-profit status, it should be non-profit and NOT a business.
Jun 11, 2013
There is no way these kids should be paid for playing little league baseball. If you want to divide more money give it back to the leagues so they can use it to help more kids. If you run out of team wanting to go to the World Series they stop it, but for now every kid who plays Little League wants to go.
May 17, 2012
when they fail due to lack of quality leadership, what happens to the "sweat, tears, and dreams of children" who no longer have infrastructure to pursue their dreams.

So it takes 400k to get quality leadership? Everyone who has served in the armed forces would laugh hysterically at that.

I am just saying that there is no way that guy can justify his salary and there are some jobs I wouldn't take, regardless of the salary.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I think you need to draw the distinction between a non-profit and a charity. While most charitable organizations are non-profit, only a fraction of non-profit organizations are what could be termed charitable. Many of the major healthcare providers are non-profit and a CEO earning $400k would not raise any eyebrows, nor would the multitude of doctors earning well into 6 figures. Little League while a non-profit is also not a charitable organization and given the size and revenue stream a salary of $400k for a CEO is not out of line. If that CEO has the connections and ability to secure a multimillion dollar contract with ABC/ESPN, and grow the organization then it is money very well spent.


Jun 22, 2008
I think you need to draw the distinction between a non-profit and a charity. While most charitable organizations are non-profit, only a fraction of non-profit organizations are what could be termed charitable. Many of the major healthcare providers are non-profit and a CEO earning $400k would not raise any eyebrows, nor would the multitude of doctors earning well into 6 figures. Little League while a non-profit is also not a charitable organization and given the size and revenue stream a salary of $400k for a CEO is not out of line. If that CEO has the connections and ability to secure a multimillion dollar contract with ABC/ESPN, and grow the organization then it is money very well spent.

Rubbish. You can try to justify it, but there is none for that type of salary for a volunteer-required organization. The ONLY reason they have the TV coverage they do is because are sponsors willing to put up the money for the broadcast, just like every other sporting event on TV.

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