Team hopping and recruiting

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
But...why would a coach take somebody mid season ...

Two good reasons, one bad ....

Good - You're trying to build the best possible team to qualify for nationals and do well there, this player will take you to another level AND you've made your philosophy very clear to parents and players from Day 1. (Not a fan of those kinds of teams, but if there is honesty in communication, then the families and players can make that choice.)

Good - You don't have enough players.

Bad - You have enough players but you care less about the ones you have and more about your own need to win.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Jumpimg - not a fan of this midseason unless there is a very good reason. Both sides made a commitment.

I'm in this camp. Sometimes it's fuzzy, though. Let's say you're told that DD can expect to be in the pitching rotation. Then she's not, and she really wants to be a pitcher and has an opportunity to be the #1 somewhere else. No hard feelings, but we need to make a move. My DD is not a pitcher, so just hypothetical. I think if it were me, I'd make that jump mid-season - if I felt it would have little impact on the team left behind. But I do not believe that ''what's best for your DD'' trumps all. Too selfish, IMO.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Also, I've heard it said here and elsewhere that the top programs don't have to recruit. It may be that they don't have to do it, but IMO, some of the best organizations do the most recruiting.
Jun 11, 2013
As a parent, I have tried to recruit a couple of rec ball players for our past teams. As far as other TB players, I wouldn't directly recruit, but if I know the parent and they ask about our team, I'm surely going to give them the good things if I think they would be a good fit.

I'm not a fan of leaving mid season unless it's just something that both sides agree on.

Just a question to vet TB parents. In 10U and 12U the season was kind of late fall to late summer, but as you age up, it almost seems like the seasons are Spring, Summer and Fall? Do I see that correctly?
Just a question to vet TB parents. In 10U and 12U the season was kind of late fall to late summer, but as you age up, it almost seems like the seasons are Spring, Summer and Fall? Do I see that correctly?
For the most part, yes. It has to do with the high school seasons .... some states don't allow girls to play both so TB waits until high school ball is over to get rolling. The younger ages are not effected by this so they can play more year-round.
Apr 8, 2013
Jumpimg - not a fan of this midseason unless there is a very good reason. Both sides made a commitment. Provided both sides are abiding by that commitment there is no reason to change. Once the season is over find the best fit.

I'm in this camp. Sometimes it's fuzzy, though.

I'm in a tough spot with one of my DD's right now. I am considering jumping ship right now but we made a commitment. However, that commitment came with the understanding we would play lots of SB and find teams equal to or better than us to play against. Here we are on May 7th and we have only played 15 games, over half of which were against far inferior teams that do nothing to improve our team. We are off until Memorial Day weekend. Other teams in the area are at 30-40+ games so far with tournaments planned this weekend and/or next. I didn't pay all this money and commit to this team just to sit around on the weekends when other girls are out there getting playing time and getting better. More importantly, my DD does not put in all the hard work she puts in just to sit at home and watch softball on ESPN three Saturdays a month wishing she was playing.

With that said, we've been approached by a team to have my DD join them. My wife is against it because we made the commitment to the first team. But she is also frustrated at lack of play and quality of play. We are both concerned that leaving mid season will "brand" us as difficult parents. It's tough because we really like the coach as a person, like the other parents, but expect more than 15 games at this point of the year.

To me this seems like one of those fuzzy areas. Maybe my expectations are off, but last year with this same organization we played over 60 games in the spring/summer season, so I kinda thought this year would be the same.
Jul 26, 2010
I have recruiters call me trying to hire me, and hire my employees, all the time. Is what they do unethical? If not, is there a particular age where it becomes ethical, or is ethics tied to if the activity is employment, or a sport? Isn't missionary work recruiting? Is that ethical?

Look, people who are good at something get noticed. People want to be around and work with other people who are good at stuff. It's a compliment really, think of how the kid would feel if the only person who told them they were good at something was their parents (who they have to live with) or their coach (who they pay). It's flattery, really.

Jul 16, 2013
I'm in this camp. Sometimes it's fuzzy, though. Let's say you're told that DD can expect to be in the pitching rotation. Then she's not, and she really wants to be a pitcher and has an opportunity to be the #1 somewhere else. No hard feelings, but we need to make a move. My DD is not a pitcher, so just hypothetical. I think if it were me, I'd make that jump mid-season - if I felt it would have little impact on the team left behind. But I do not believe that ''what's best for your DD'' trumps all. Too selfish, IMO.

I agree with you. That is why I believe in the two way commitment. In your example, I feel the coach is not meeting his end, so neither should you.

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