Sportsmanship issue?

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Aug 26, 2015
DOADL- looks like having you around will spice things up a bit, so welcome. Your original question was pretty boneheaded IMO, not a big deal, everyone needs to go through their FNG phase. But if you realize that you are a noob then having your gonads speed bagged a little is part of the welcoming process so don't take it too seriously. Think of it more like some vets razzing a rookie and maybe it won't seem like you are being lectured. Most of us have been where you are, young kid exhibits some skill and desire to play a sport, they have some talent and we are excited and jump right in to help them. We come on the board with some misconceptions and those further down the road tell us to settle down a little... You have a lot to look forward to.

DO me a favor and post a video of her swing in the technical hitting forum...this won't be useful, but I really think it would be fun to watch

My point exactly JJsqueeze. Boneheaded doesn't equal no morals. Assumptions are dangerous. I don't mind being the new kid on the block, but I also don't mind responding. I'll take my hits, but I won't "just" take my hits, either. If something is stupid or boneheaded, or whatever else it is......I'll deal with it as is. When it goes off the rails, where it leads is what it is. Last season, after 4 games, my DD is on the way home from a game talking about what some other girls did wrong in the game, etc. I pulled over immediately, looked her in her eyes and told her "forget them. you missed xx plays that I could see. That sucks and you need to be almost perfect before you critique the other girls". That was the light switch flip moment. She stopped trying to look at anyone else as the reason why they lost and started focusing only on what she needs to do in order for the team to win. My point? DD can take blunt truth. She gets that from both her parents. But, she also doesn't take bluntness "just because" either. She got that honest, too.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I've played several different sports, and coached this one for a while. It's not all that "unique"'s just a game.

What separates this from some other sports, particularly those played by adults, is that I sometimes see parents and coaches talk to their kids and teach them things that would result in a fight if done by one adult to another.
Aug 26, 2015
What separates this from some other sports, particularly those played by adults, is that I sometimes see parents and coaches talk to their kids and teach them things that would result in a fight if done by one adult to another.

Hence the initial correctly teach a sport I don't know to a DD that is passionate about it. I assumed it would not be allowed, but I don't live in a world of assumptions. I like specificity, so I asked and got confirmation of what I assumed. More importantly, I got understanding of "why" it's wrong. I didn't whisper to her "hey, this is how you're going to make them mess up everything". I was asked a question that I didn't know the answer to. Maybe in your world, that's a rarity, but it happens to me everyday, because I don't know everything and am still learning.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Can we move this thread to the tech hitting forum? Feels like it belongs there.....
We would have 'treated' the poster better......:p

But if you realize that you are a noob then having your gonads speed bagged a little is part of the welcoming process so don't take it too seriously.
Nov 29, 2009

The best way to educate yourself about the game is to try and find a rule book for the ASA or other top sanctions. The NCAA rule book is on line. While some of the NCAA rules are different, the greatest portion of them are common between all of the different associations. Read a rule book from cover to cover. You won't remember all of the rules but it will help you with understanding the game better.

For the record. I did not think your question was out of line. It was something your DD thought about and you honestly could not give her the correct answer. Sometimes things will get blown out of proportion in the written word. Many of the verbal cues we use on a daily basis are missing. Trust me. DFP is very civilized when compared to some of the other boards out there. There is a local one by me that is the softball version of Jerry Springer on steroids.

Another small bit of advice. Qualify your question with "I'm new to the game and I'm wondering about...." It will help set a different tone to a question. There are plenty of new people to the sport who find their way here. Many will ask the same questions that have been addressed before on multiple occasions. The experiences users here are usually patient with them as everyone has been in your place at one time or another.

Good luck to your DD in her career. Visit often, read the sticky threads as well as the other threads. There is a ton of information there that can answer many of your questions.

Do yourself a REAL big favor. Search the site for Softball Myths. Read them for a real education.
Aug 26, 2015
Thanks. Will do each of those things. Guess the rec association rulebook wasn't enough lol.

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